Car chase

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The next think i know is that we are in a car chase just like the movies, but a little more scarier...Brad is driving so fast, i feel like I'm going to puke and the car behind us is driving as fast but I'm more scared for them because there drunk, i think. We have the music up load and we are raving while driving fast it is actually amazing, we have to get this chase more often. I'm here laughing because Brad is trying to dance while driving, witch he fails. We finally lost them and still driving fast, we finally come to a stop when we reach the house, which made me unhappy i was having fun and now look at me we are back at my house, unfortunately. "We got to do that more often!" i blurted out, he looked at me in complete shock "We should" he looked me in the eye and smiled, which was replaced with a smirk, i got out the car and walked into the house until Brad stopped me "Wanna go somewhere tomorrow night?" I looked at him and gave him a wired look "With you.." i said and laughed he shook his head nervously "But you cant tell no one, Ryan will be there too and Amy"  As soon as he said 'Ryan' I was in, he is HOT!! and not like everyone else, he makes everyone laugh, hes amazing "Okay..." He looked at me and smiled.

I was lying in my bed, but i couldnt sleep i was just thinking were we all are going tomorrow night and i can say... I am excited! I looked at the time its 1 in the morning, i know im going to be tired for school in the morning, but im too excited to even care Knock!Knock!  I walked over to my door and opened it to reveal Ryan standing there, i looked at him confused "I cant sleep" he said and shrugged "OK...." he looked at me and smiled "Can i sleep in here" I looked at him started to what he was saying "Why?" he chuckled "The sofa is unconformable" I smiled and shook my head "You owe me" he laughed "OK" I got in my bed and so did he, i was on one side and he was on the other "Thank you" I heard Ryan right by my ear, which gave me a shiver down my spine "For what..."  He chuckled softly "For letting me stay, the night" i laughed nervously "No problem" and after that i heard Ryan snoring quietly which made me smile to myself until an arm wrapped around me, it shocked me at first until i went with the flow and cuddled up to him and as soon as i know it i feel asleep in Ryan's arms.

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