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I'm just walking, i cant stop...I don't even know where i am. I saw an abandoned house i went to it and feel on the floor leaning my back against the wall and cried harder, i brought my knee's up to my chest and cuddled them, i didn't have a jacket on and i was wearing a tight dress and its freezing. I checked my pockets for my phone but its not in there i started to panic and then i realized i left it in Brads car, Great...


Its been hours and i still sitting here in the dark, I'm lost and i just want Jack to come and cuddle me as always when i felt lonely, he lied to me... Jack my best friend, lied to me about street racing. I cant think and i defiantly cant trust anyone anymore, the only person close to me was Chloe, no Chloe wasn't your fault, shes your best friend, she doesn't hate you more tears fell out of my eyes thinking about Chloe, i started to sob until a cars headlights made me look up feeling curious and i saw Ryan and Brad run towards me with Amy following behind, they all looked relieved but frightened.

"Cherr there you are!" Ryan said, he honestly looked exhausted and so did the rest, i just felt weak, i couldn't move i felt numb. I didn't even try to answer "Princess, there you are, fuck sake don't do that to me again!" Brad shouted, i was shocked because at first Brad hated me but now, now he looks honestly scared "CHARLOTTE!" Amy ran to me and squeezed me into a tight hug "I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU" Amy shouted. I just nodded and then she walked behind Ryan and cuddled him from behind "Come on, lets get you home you look like crap" I just simply nodded i didn't feel like talking i felt Brads hands grip me firmly in place and carried me bridal style to the car.

We were driving and i felt my body relaxing to the silence in the car and my eyes began to droop "Are you okay?" Amy whispered looking concern i forced a smile and nodded my head sleepily next thing i know I'm asleep.

[Arthur note]

How did you like this chapter, wasn't by best but I'm trying. Ain't you all curious with that girl 'Chloe' looks like she has some past with that girl, but what?

Hope you liked the chapters, more too come, sorry for the slow update.


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