"You don't have to tell me..."

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Ryan's PROV

Morning" she said slowly while rubbing my eyes, "You look tired" I said while chuckling and opened the door for Charlotte, I got in the drivers side and noticed Charlotte was cute when she is tired.

"So... where are we going?" she said after a while of us driving, "Ill tell you when you tell me why you wanna learn racing so much" she went quiet "Please Cherr.." I looked her in the eye and she sighed "I need payback" I looked at her shocked at first but then confused "What payback can Cherr give anyone anyway" I chuckled softly trying to lighten the mood which made Charlotte laugh "They killed my brother" I looked at her shocked and pressed down on the break so hard me and Charlotte went flying forward, I imminently checked to see if she Charlotte was OK, Luckily she was fine.

"WHAT THE FUCK, RYAN" she shouted loudly, I looked at her and parked on the side of the road "What do you mean?" I looked at here and she rolled her eyes "Wasn't it clear enough for you, they killed my brother and i forgot all about it till I got in this damn town" she said annoyed "You had a brother?" Wow. now that shocked me I noticed Charlotte blow in-out trying to keep herself calm "I had a brother. His name was Aiden, he was the same age as me, 18 when he passed. He was street racing for money for the family as my dad left for your family and he became the best. People was after him and eventually they caught him and killed him"

I saw a tear roll down my cheek, I pulled me into a hug shocking the both of us, I kissed the top of my head before pulling back "How come nobody knew about your brother. Even your dad?" she looked down at her hands "My mum cheated on my dad that's why he left, she had a one night fling and got pregnant with Aiden and my dad knew but she announced she was pregnant with me after giving birth to Aiden and my dad tried to stay around but he held a grudge and he couldn't let it go so he left without a word to me or Aiden"

her hands started shaking making me feel bad "You don't have to tell me..." I said softly, she looked at me for a second  "I wanna" she said after a while, I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers together rubbing patterns on the back of her thumb in a soothing matter "Well when my dad left Aiden went crazy. Not latterly" I chuckled a little "He started street racing, Street fighting and we had the police at our door every night bringing Aiden back" she chuckled at the memory, making me smile "One night Aiden didn't come home, the next day the police explained his death that he was pushed off the bridge in his car" I sighed as tears rolled down my face, I hate crying "He only died because he was the best racer and the top racers didn't like it so they killed him"

I grabbed onto Charlotte like she could disappear any minute "After his death, my mother was depressed. Hell i was even depressed but i didn't let it get the better of me instead I decided on never to remember the day again and never speak of it again. Which trust me was on a great idea" I felt bad and I started to feel my own tears build up in my eyes"My mother was diagnosed with cancer the day after the death and never told me nothing. I only found out the day she was rushed in hospital and she made me promise her not to let the accident get the better of me" she looked at me for a second and her stair sent shivers up my spine. It was so cold and distance

"I have a few people in mind who i think was involved in Aiden's death and I'm gong to be the top racer and kill the pricks who killed my brother" she said coldly

[Thought I would write a Ryan's PROV, for you guys. Don't you just find him so cute? who wants Ryan and Charlotte to get together I DO!]

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