Getting close to Brad.

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After my little 'crazy'  moment when i hugged Brad I've been in my room since so i don't face anyone even though i has a lot of phone calls from Amy, honestly i think shes too 'happy' for my liking i don't know how Ryan can deal with her. I was a little bit taken back when i found out Ryan went out with Amy but ive started to notice that they might actually be a good couple together. The only person i have been talking to is Jack and after last night and the moment at school i think I'm going to try and move in with him its better then being here. KNOCK!KNOCK! i got a little frightened when Brad walked into the room all i could do is look at him "Hey" he said awkwardly i smiled "Not sounded mean or anything but what are you doing here?" he laughed then closed the door and bounced onto my bed which shocked me "What feel we watching then?" i looked at him confused which he seem to notice when he spoke up again "I thought we could have a movie day?"  "Did Marie put you up to this?" he laughed "No she didn't i just thought we could get to know each other" i smiled and then he said "Scary movies it is, you find one and set it up while i get the popcorn"  "Okay" i went over the the movies stacked up in a pile by my TV, oh yeah did i mention i finished unpacking the last couple of days i found the perfect one 'Paranormal activity' and placed it in the DVD player and bounced back on the bed as soon as i done that the door flew open which made me jump but it was just Brad he looked at the TV and said "Nice choice" i laughed as he closed the door and bounced onto my bed too and we both sat back on the bed sharing popcorn and talking, it was actually surprisingly fun, as the horror bits come on we would both flinch closer to each other and i would grab his arm in shock which made him burst out laughing which made me laugh " You so scared!"  i defended myself and shouted "I am not scared, i just simply didn't expect a girl to pop up at the screen and you got scared too!" he laughed and then i joined in and after the film was done was started to put another one on which was 'scream' it wasn't scary but its good enough and as soon as it played we both looked at the screen straight away while talking in-between the films, my phone started to ring which i answered cause it was 'Jack'  when Brad noticed i was on the phone he whispered "I just get going to bed now anyway, goodnight Charlotte" i smiled and whispered "Sorry, and goodnight Brad" i then continued my chat with Jack when Brad left the room i whispered "This best be good..." he hesitated before answering "Charlotte..." i nodded which he couldn't see so i said "yes?"    "I think someone has trashed your moms grave...."

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