Moving in with my farther

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After trying my hardest to dodge my fathers calls and texts i new i couldn't keep ignoring forever, because i cant live on my own and i knew i had to live with my farther but i tried to keep it a long time but i couldn't keep hoping maybe he will give up because he didn't. I'm not going to forgive my farther because he left me when i was little to move with his other girlfriend, he left me and my mom for a woman he 'loved more' that was his exact words to my mother but she didn't really mind because she knew they was becoming distance.

"Dear flyers, the plane will land in 10 minutes" and hearing that made me scared because not only am i meeting my Dad i meeting his family to, I honestly didn't want to leave my mom behind but i had no choice in the matter, as we landed i got of the airplane and looked around to find someone i cant remember what he looked like i went to pick up my 2 suitcases and looked around the room until someone come behind me and as i turned around i was gripped into a big hug finally he let go of me while i was still trying to process everything all i saw was my dad and his so called new wife, BITCH! "Hello Hun, I'm Marie" i looked at her and smiled and my dad said "He baby girl" i looked at him to take in his apprentice "Hi Steve" him and Marie looked at each other shocked at i said 'Steve' not 'dad' which kind of made me want to laugh but i bit my tongue and we started to walk to the car in complete silence i made sure i put on a mask when i left out of my own city i didn't want people to pity me. We got in the car and he started the engine up while saying "How you been?" i looked at him and smirked "Just fine Steve" i saw his face sink while sadness flashed in his eyes, but come on he deserved it. We approached a massive house and he stopped the car in the drive i got out while my eyes was taking in the surroundings, my eyes landed on the race car parked out side, it was really designed and it looked BAD ASS! i walked over to the car, admiring it until my dad butted in and said "Its a nice car ain't it?" i smiled and nodded my head while my dad grabbed my one suitcase while Marie grabbed the other they opened the door and i would in awkwardly he put the suitcases down and said "I hope you like it" i nodded and smiled and then 2 people came walking down that stair to be honest they both looked amazing, beautiful, there was one boy he honestly looked like a bad boy i saw him looking me up and down with a smirk and the other was another boy he looked a little older and was also fit my dad spoke up "Brad, this is Charlotte and Charlotte this is Brad" i smiled at him "and this boy behind him is Ryan, hes Brads best friend he basically lives he" he laughed and so did everyone else in the room Ryan walked over to me and shook my hand "hey Charlotte"  "hey" i said quietly and then i heard Brad cough as Ryan walked and stood by Brad.

Marie grabbed my arm and started pulling me upstairs until we reached a door "this is where you will be sleeping" i walked into my room and noticed it was massive and furniture was already placed in there "Ill leave you to get settled in, and go to sleep because school is tomorrow don't forget Hun" i smiled as she walked out and jumped onto my bed and i heard a knock at the door i shouted "COME IN!" then i noticed Ryan and Brad with my suit cases i smiled "Thanks" they placed them on my bedroom floor and walked out and shut the door behind them, i couldn't be arsed to pack my things so i just got some pajamas out and placed them on, then i went to sleep.

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