"You cant keep that promise"

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Charlotte's PROV

I heard the BANG!!! of the gun go off automatically closing my eyes getting ready to have the bullet sink into my skin but in never happened. I heard someone wincing in pain, I opened my left eye then my right eye slowly to find Jack on the floor holding his belly i suddenly ran over to him and bent down feeling my heard shatter when he whispered "I wont tell anybody"

I had tears dripping out of my eyes while i kept whispering "not again" while rocking back and forth repeatedly I heard people gasping and others calling 999 while I just felt so useless sitting here. I looked at the man holding the gun and anger boiled up inside of me "You!" I shouted you could hear the venom in my voice. He shook his head repeatably while his eyes widen in horror and he began to shake.

"YOU SHOT HIM" I shouted loudly causing other people around me look at the scene, I stood up walking over to the man while he just stood there shaking in fear "YOU SHOT HIM" I started to shaking him holding handfuls of his shirt "YOU PRICK" I shouted getting my anger out.

I lifted my arm and punched him in the face repeatedly until he started to go unconscious, I heard the ambulance sirens near by as I dropped the unconscious body on the floor hoping it will hurt him when he wakes up. I ran over to Jack and knelled by him, I saw tears run out of his eyes "J-Jack" I said my voice cracking.

He smiled "Hey, don't get all softy on me now" I laughed causing him to chuckle then wince in pain. I whispered "Don't leave me Jack, please" I said holding his hands letting him squeeze it in pain "I wont babe, you still have to move in with me don't forget" I chuckled "I didn't forget" I felt tears drip down my face as I saw his eyes beginning to drift close.

I slapped him hard round the face causing his eyes to open in shock and I sighed in relief  "What was that for, cant you just let a man die in peace" I looked at him and let a sob escape my lips "You are not dying!" I shouted at him.

He looked me in the eye and whispered "Its okay Charlotte" I swallowed the lump as the sobs was unstoppable "Your the only person I have left Jack" I said just above a whisper "You have a new family now" I shook my head repeatedly "Your my only family" I said and I bent down and kissed the top of his head "You are not dying" I stated trying to convince myself.

I shouted "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE AMBULANCE" looking around to see everyone staring at me with sympathy "Jack" I whispered he answered with a simple "Hmm" I looked at him as his eyes began to shut "Please don't go where Aiden and mum is" he opened his eyes in surprise "Wow!" was all he said as he never heard me talk about Aiden.

"I wont leave you Charlotte, I promise" I smiled as the ambulance pulled up and his eyes began to shut "You cant keep that promise" I whispered as the ambulance men ran over to us.

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