Chapter 1

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""W-where am I?" You stutter out of fear. Your tied up helplessly in the dark. All you remember was going on your afternoon walk. As you bent down to pick up a flower.....BANG!  A sharp pain curses through the back of your skull. You can still feel your head throb.

"I know you inherent​ your father's money after your 20th birthday. Isn't that right sweetie?" An unfamiliar voice says. You couldn't see anyone or anything but you could tell it was a women.

"Please! My dad just died 2 weeks ago!" You plead "let me go, please"

The women smirked "sorry but I need that money and when I get it, I'm going to kill you"  she laughed it was vile it sent shivers down your spine.. "You can join the old man!"

You notice the ropes where kinda loose. You try to slip your arms through the holes.

"Quick! She trying to get away" a man yelled.

You manage to get a arm out. Just then someone struck the back of your head. You felt your body dropped on the cold ground.

"Let her go"

You heard a voice. A soft yet determine one.

Is someone going to save me?

You black out.

Your eyes open slightly as you feel the cool breeze in your long hair.

Your being carried? By who? Are you endanger?

You were on someone's back and all you can see is white hair and trees flying past.


Are we on top of trees?!

Before you can say anything you black out again.

You wake up in the hospital bed.

What is going on?.

You look around studying everything around you. The walls were blue. Just cabinets and medical equipment. You begin to slowly sit up.

Knock, knock, knock,

"Ms. Hara, may I come in?" You heard someone say behind the door.

"Yes you may" you whisper. Every noise made your head ache like no tomorrow.

It was the 3rd hokage. He entered the room with his hands behind his back. Walking so slow and so calm it felt like it would be ages before he reached your hospital bed.

"Ah we have something important to discuss" he began.

"Yes we do" you said more to yourself.

You notice a tall handsome, broad shoulder man came in behind the hokage. Giving you a quick wave.

 Giving you a quick wave

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Wait...his's white!

He's the one that saved me?

His face was hidden behind a mask that went up to the bottom of his eyes and a head protector covering his left eye. Leaving just one eye exposed.

One.... mesmerizing....grey...eye.

"Of course due to your most recent events you'll need protection." He motion to the man behind him. "This is Kakashi Hatake, I'm sure you heard of him. If it wasn't for him you would be dead."

Your eye widened. Kakashi? Cold-hearted kakashi?

Your thoughts where interrupted.

"He will be guarding you, until we know you are safe" hokage continued.

" He will be following me everywhere?" You interrupted.

"Yes don't worry Ms. Hara, you won't even notice I'm here" said kakashi smiling with his eyes closed.

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