Chapter 7

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You jump looking behind you.

Kakashi walks through the door way glaring at the both of you "excuse me, am I interrupting something?"crosses his arms.

Out of complete embarrassment you quickly get off of yogi.

"No!" Your face was strawberry red. "He's just leaving." you push him up off the couch. "I'll see you at work Monday."

"Oh um okay" he says scratching his head.

"See ya bodyguard" he waves kakashi goodbye then walks out the door.

Kakashi closes the door and continue to glare at you.

"What?" You blurted. Your ears and face burned.

"The couch" he growled.

His voice was different. A tone you never heard before. Deep and piercing.

"I-i know, I d-didnt mean too. I mean I wasn't gonna go that far" you studder when you got nervous or starteld.

"Really because that's not what I saw" he snapped.

You jumped up off the couch and wave your hands wildly in the air.

"Hey! I said I was sorry!" You yelled "it won't happen again so stop yelling at me!"

You watch him shake his head. He still looked furious. He didn't say one word instead he went into the bathroom. You hear him turn the shower on.

You rush to the bathroom.theres no way your letting him continue with this silence treatment. You open the door to see kakashis silloute through the shower curtain.

"Oh no" you begin to say " you not going to be mad at me" you took off your robe and over size shirt.

"Try me" he calmly said.

You open the curtain exposing his muscular lean body, fighting the urge to bite your lip. He didn't look at you instead he closed his eyes and lean his soapy head back into the running water. You watch the beads of water and soap suds run down his chest.

He finally looks at you.

"Are you getting in or not, it's cold with the curtain open."

You step in as he never took his gaze off your chest.

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