Chapter 6

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The frist time in ages you woke up before your alarm clock. Your head spin and throbbed. Your stomach flipped and flopped.

"Ugh why did I drink so much? Water. I need water." You said to yourself.

You throw your covers off and slowly got up. Your heart stopped as you remember the events from last night.

God, what did I do? He probably regrets what we did. You think. But it was amazing

You grab your work uniform, throw it on and heading to the living room.

You were nervous , on the verge of throwing up to think there would be any awkwardness between the two of you.

Once you got to the kitchen to grab a cup of water you notice the white hair man was not there. No sound of the shower in the bathroom, this bedroom door was open. His stuff was here but the front door was unlocked.

"Oh no" your heart stopped and a pit formed in your stomach. "I fucked up and now he left, it must had been so bad he ran without his stuff"

Your eyes began to sting as tears ran down your cheek. The thought of how you make him that uncomfortable made you hate yourself.

"I hope I didn't scare you" kakashi said as he opened the front door. "I had to grab your dad's will and then I had to stop to see...." He trailed off. "What's wrong (y/n)"

He walks to you and you try to wipe away your tears.

You were happy that he didn't leave but you couldn't bring yourself to tell him why you were crying so you said what came to your mind.

"I'm just missing my father" you sigh.

He puts a hand on your shoulder and looks into your eyes

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He puts a hand on your shoulder and looks into your eyes. "I believe you do but don't worry it gets better, I promise. Your strong" he kisses your forehead through his mask and you felt your cheek grow red.

"So you have my dad's will?" You interrupted before you did something stupid.

"Yeah" he walks over and sets the box on the kitchen island. "It looks like you don't ever have to worry about money but I'm sure word has gotten out to the Okane Hanshu so always keep your guard up." He looks at you with all seriousness.

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