Chapter 3

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Kakashi wasn't wearing his mask or protector. His face was absolutely gorgeous. He had high cheekbones a perfectly straight nose and a cute little beauty mark on the left side of mouth and a chiseled jaw line. He also had a scar above and under his left eye. It ended on his cheekbone. His right eye was a mesmerizeing grey while his left was red with a strange pattern in it. You could feel the power behind it. That must be the Sharingan that gave him his famous name. Why did he hide such a sexy face from the world? It made him so irresistible. As you take him in with your eyes you notice he wasn't wearing a shirt. You quickly begin to blush. His shoulders looked even more broad. His body was absolutely perfect. His clothes did him no Justice. The perfect v shape. He had pecks his abs tighten as he breathed. All you wanted was to touch him.


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"Ms. Hara. I didn't....what are you doing? " He stuttered. He looked calm but his voice explained how shock he was.

"I came to tell you to never fucking call me a little girl again" you raised your voice.  "I'm 20 years old. I'm a women. I work. I have responsibilities. I even have alot of experience even with a man's touch!" You stopped

Did I really just said that last part?

Kakashi raised an eyebrow

"A man's touch, huh? "He question you. " I doubt that"

He smirked.

I growled "what's so funny?"

You cross your arms.

"You can't possibly had." He gave me a serious yet sexy look. "Unless you been with an older man, you know someone not your age."

You thought long and hard. You only slept with two guys. Jo being your first when you were 17 and he was 18. Then your most recent ex yogi who was 4 months younger than you.

"Well (____), have you?"  Asked kakashi.

"" you said sheepishly

"Exactly" he smirked.

Before closing the door he just had to say one last thing.

He looked deep into your eyes.

"I'm 25, therefore you are a little girl in my eyes"

He shuts the door.

You stood there. He beat you. You had never lost an argument. Never! Your head hung low in defeat as you slowly walk to your room pouting. You open your door revealing your favorite lilac walls and your sillky black sheeted bed. You belly flopped in your bed. Immediately falling asleep.

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