Chapter 2

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Nothing like fresh air after getting out of the hospital. The sun began to set. You sat down waiting for Kakashi to get done with his talk with the hokage.

You start to think to yourself

How am I supposed to get used to someone following me around all the time. Why am I being targeted? I stay to myself. As a matter of fact no one in my family had any enemies.

"Are you ready?"

You look up and Kakashi is standing above you

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You look up and Kakashi is standing above you. Oh how I wish he would take off that mask. You couldn't see much but enough to let your imagination run wild.

"Yeah, I guess" you said while stretching. "Hey Mr.Hatake?"

"Yeah?" He offers a hand.

You deny it and use your hands to push yourself off the ground.

"What happened? Why was I kidnapped​?" You looked to the ground.

"Two words: Okane Hanshu" he crosses his arms across his chest.

"Okane Hanshu?" You ask as you start walking. Who could they be? Why are they after me?

Keeping up with your pace Kakashi pulls out a book.

"Yes. They are ruthless money Lords. They target anyone that's loaded with money." He looks at you.  " And you seem to be they're latest target."

Great...I never asked for this. I haven't even received any money!

You walked in silence. You look up at Kakashi to see his orange book.  You get a glimpse of what he's reading

Icha icha : Make out paradise

Oh no. You have to ask. You always been straight forward.

You stop in your tracks.

"Hm?" Kakashi stops and turns to face you. " Is there something wrong?"

"Mr.Hatake, are you a gay?" You manage not to giggle.

"What?" He blurted. His face was mix with shock and what the fuck. "What makes you say that?"

You point to his book

"That's a romance novel, is it not? Normally guys don't read it unless....oohh your a...are you a Virgin?" My face grew a shade of crimson. To think that this  guy could be a virgin? No way!

He looked in your eyes. You could tell how displeased he was. "Well Ms. Hara it's more than that. I believe that a  grown man can read whatever he wants." He smirks and looks at the ground " you came from a rich family so you must be a whore or stupid, hmm possibly both?"

You gasp. How dare he! You ball up your fist as anger slaps you in the face.

He smirks again, " Do you see what I mean now?"

"Very funny asshole" you snapped. He put his hand on your shoulder. The warmth made you forget about being mad.  Damn he might be dangerous.

He smiled at you. "Let's get you home, it's getting dark".

The two of you started Walking on the stone path.

Ugh why must I live so far away? It's going to take at least 40mins.

Your mind begins to wonder about Kakashi. He was so tall so handsome. Slender yet muscular. Something about him was driving you crazy. Feeling something from out of this world. Was it love? Lust?

You stop yourself

No. I will not do this. I promised myself no I vowed to myself to not get so vulnerable. If a common villager broke your heart for being selfish, how could a ninja be capable of loving you? Besides a ninja life is never guaranteed.

Before you know it, you reached your home.

"Well here we are" you blurted out before realizing it.  

You stare at the black door. Your heart knows that the  house is empty. Everything was left in the place where your father had left it. Same white  walls, same purple velvet couch and chair. Same round coffee table. Same fireplace. Same red kitchen. You could feel the sting from the tears forming in your eyes. Oh how you missed him. You just wish when You open this door, he would be sitting in that chair with his pipe in his mouth and reading the paper. He would had greeted me with a nod before running up to my room.

You turn the door knob and gave it a slight pushed.

"Watch out!" Yelled Kakashi. Just in time he grabbed my arm and yaked me to the side.

Four kunai came flying out of the door. It was a trap. I could see the string connecting from the door to the ceiling.

" did you... know" I managed to say between glups.

" The door made an unusual click when you turned the knob" he explained. "The Okane Hanshu must really want you."

He walks in the door way, carefully scanning his surroundings.

He looks over his shoulder right at me.

"It's safe, come on"

I nodded and followed him inside. Kakashi quickly made himself at home stretched out on the couch reading his book.

You glance at the clock


You sigh to yourself.

"Mr.Hatake, I need to go to bed. I have work in the morning. You can take my fathers room. He never slept in there so it's clean."

You notice his feet On your table.

" Get your dirty feet off my tablet Kakashi!" You shouted at him with your fist balled up at him.

As if he didn't hear a thing he looks up at you?

"Hm you mean this table?" He stands up "sorry  little girl" he smiles and heads down the hall.

Little girl? You stand in dismay. How dare he. Your not a child. Your 20 years old. Your always been addressed as a kid. Your height didn't help.

You felt the anger build up inside you . You aren't going to let him get away with that .

You head down the hall.

He was already in the room . Before you could barge In the door flings wide open. Almost knocking you off balance. You bump into Kakashi.

You look up.

His mask...

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