Chapter 5

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You feel the lust grow stronger. When he said that your body tremble. You grab a fistful of his hair and forcefully pulling his head to the side. Exposing his neck and passionately kissing it, leaving hickies and trailing them down to his collar bone. He moans and bucks his hips. He flips you over. Giving you a quick kiss and biting your bottom lip before getting off you.

"Flip over" he commanded.

You follow his order and roll on your stomach. He grabs you by the hips and drags you to the edge of the bed. He then grabs a pillow and places it under your groin. You look behind you, watching him slide his boxers off. His dick made a loud smack as it hits his stomach. You feel yourself grow wet. Damn again for being so big.

Impatiently waiting you arch your back as he lines himself, rubbing the tip on your opening.

"Mmmm fuck (___), your so wet" he hums.

He slowly inserts himself in you, stretching your insides.

Tight too" he growled

"Oh Kakashi" you moaned. "Please just fuck me already!"

He shoves himself in deep inside you.

"Fuck" he whispers.

He grabs your hair, almost pulling your head back. He slides himself out just to ram it back in. Your toes curl as you enjoy the rough pleasures causing you to moan loudly.

He thrust harder , grunting with the sound of your guys skin slapping echoing in the room.

He pulls your hair harder.

"What's my fucking name?" He asked between grunts.

"Kakaaaashi" you moan loudly.

He ram's himself deep inside you making your body jerk.

"Mmmm what's my name you dirty little slut " he growls before giving your ass a slap.

No one has ever called you that before  but man did it make you crave him more.

"Kakashi!" You almost scream it. You back yourself against him trying to force him deeper. 

He leans down still roughly pulling your hair.

"You like that don't you? You like being called a dirty little slut. Answer me." he purred Into your ear. You can feel his warm breath.

"Yes yes I do. Please please  don't stop" you panted.

He bucks his hips wildly, making your head bob back and forth. Moaning softly in your ear.

"You fucking slut." He whispers nibbling on your ear.

You scream your moans as your clit rubs against the pillow underneath you. Giving you two pleasures at once. You grabs onto the sheets, pulling them off the corners of the bed. You can feel pressure in your abdomen.

"Spank me... Master kakashi" you purred between moans.

In approval he moans then leaning up, giving your ass a hard slap almost bring tears in your eyes leaving his hand print. He let's go of your hair and grabs both your hands then pinning them behind your back. You feel a pit of pleasure form in your abdomen then it slowly moves towards your area, making your body sensitive.

"Kakashi" you moan "I think I'm going to cum!"

He drills harder, it's to much to take so your knees begin to buckle.

You scream as white hot pleasures take over your body making you tremble. He slams into you, Grabbing your hips and making you grind against him.

"My turn" he growls.

He pulls himself out of you, grabbing you by the arms and Turning you forcing you on your knees in front of him. He grabs all of your hair, placing it on the top of your head and securing it with one hand while holding his member in the other.

You grabs his shaft giving the tip a quick lick then rubbing it on your lips as if you were putting on lipstick. You watch his eyes roll back in his head.

"Fuck" he moans

You shove it in your mouth. The taste of your cum on his skin was orgasmic. You bob your head back and forth. Rubbing the rest if his shaft that wouldn't fit with your hand. You make your tongue do wave motions.

"God, please don't stop" he begs.

You grab his hips. You bob faster and sucking harder. He bucks his hips almost making you gag.

"Im, cumming" he pants

You slide your mouth all the way down to the base. A single tear runs down your cheek as you try not to Gag.

"Holy fuck, (y/n)" he moans in approval.

You slide your mouth to his head, sucking as your hand rubs the rest in a twisting motion.

He leans his head back moaning loudly. You feel his dick twitch and you moan at the sensation.

"I'm going to cum" he yells.

He cums in your mouth filling it full, you swallow every drop of saltiness. It made a popping sound as you pull off of it. You stand up, grabbing him by the back of the neck, pulling him in a passionate kiss. Your tongues dance amongst each other. He wraps his arms tightly around you, breaking the kiss.

"Now you have experience a man's touch." He smirks.

He let's go then falls into the bed.  You lay next to him.

"That was amazing" you said trying to catch your breath.

"It was" he agreed.

He rolls to his side, propping himself on his elbow, studying your body.

"What?" You blush.

"You have an amazing body, (y/n). Never seen one so perfect." He winked

You blush. Your face felt like it was on fire.

Kakashi get up then puts his boxers on.

"Well I'm going to bed." He said "see you in the morning."

"Wait, your not going to lay with me?" You ask in disappointment.

"No" he stated them leaves the room.

You just lay there

Oh yeah it was just sex you thought to your self.

You wrapped yourself up in your blankets. Trying to not to let it get to you.

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