Chapter 8

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Ann's stare borrowed into your soul as she lifted her left hand at you. Chains came out of her orange sleeves and wrapped themselves tightly around you to the point it was difficult to breathe.

She chuckled as she walked up to you holding a cloth in her other hand. She held it over your face and before you could notice it had an unusual smell you passed out.  She picked up your unconscious body and fled.

10 minutes later


Kakashi pov

Kakashi walked up his apartment stairs humming to himself. He just picked up some dinner for the two of you and some very interesting toys from the adult store.

He frozen at the door as an uneasy feeling swept across him.

"Something isn't right" the thought to him self.

He barges into the door to see you no where in site. His heart went into his throat

"(Y/n)" he whispers to himself.

He quickly notice a while cloth on the floor. He picks it up, dropping everything, and notice the smell of chloroform right away.

"No!" He shouts "I'm so stupid and I didn't protect her"

He runs out of his apartment

"I will find you" he states.


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You suddenly woke up and remember what happened and scream.

"That won't work here hunny" Ann smirk pacing back and forth.

You were chained in mid air. You looked like a human X with chains from your hands to the ceiling and chains from your feet to the ground in a small room that only candles giving off light. The chains dug into your skin making you wince.

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