Chapter 10

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We were in the time vortex, nice and simple; a break from our last adventure. The Doctor had somehow managed to sneak his hands on either side of my head, making me fall asleep. The next morning, I awoke to the enigmatic sound of piano music coming from across the hall. It was quick and lively and sounded very complicated, but I wouldn't know. I was more accustomed to rock and pop music. Regardless, I jumped off the bed to find my phone had been left on the floor next to me since our adventure on the Cyberman ship. Curious as to how many days I'd slept against my will, I picked it up and looked at the date. "Oh!" I said when I saw the date was July 6th - my birthday! I smiled, putting my phone in my shorts pocket. Picking up the tweed jacket, I slipped on my shoes that had somehow appeared by the edge of my bed and trotted towards the hallway. My door was ajar, so I stepped out and tried to follow the sound of the music. Looking ahead I assumed the music was coming from within so I pushed the opposite door open. Almost immediately cringing as the color of gold blinded my eyes I looked around. Beyond the simple wooden door that was now behind me lay a grand orchestral hall, with high ceilings, rounded walls and a whole orchestra of instruments, none of which were being played- apart from a stunning black grand piano near the center. I ran my hand over the finely polished walls, making sure that I wasn't dreaming. While looking around, I looked over to where The Doctor sat on the stool in front of a piano, his fingers drifting over the keys. He moved his head in time as he played, messing up his already crazy hair. "Fantasia in F minor, Delphine!" He said, gesturing for me to come up behind him and watch over his shoulder. He stopped for a just a moment, before continuing to play, and spoke to me. "I had to keep myself occupied while you were getting better. I didn't mean to wake you, it's just it's been awhile since I've played," he explained, his hands still moving swiftly up and down the keys. I rested my arm on his shoulder and put my head on top. "Don't worry, you didn't wake me, I was just curious. Anyway, you play really well, better than Franz Schubert himself!" I said as he laughed. 

Just then, he looked over at me and smiled, remembering something. "Come on, I have something to show you!" he said as he suddenly grabbing my hand and dragging me to the console room. "And we're moving again!" I said as we started running. When we got to the doorway, just before I could look in, he went behind me and put his hands over my eyes. "Doctor, what are you doing?" I asked curiously. "Just wait, it's a surprise!" He said. I felt him take a hand from my face, still covering my eyes, and walked in, pushing me in front of him. "Now take a step forward," he said, building up the suspense. I carefully stepped forward, and he took his hands away. "Oh, wow! Umm, I really don't know what to say!" I exclaimed, a hand over my mouth. He'd completely covered the console, bars, seats and everything else in the room in strips of blue tissue paper. My bare feet were met with gold glitter, which shimmered in the light. "You've really outdone yourself!" I said as The Doctor took hold of my hand and rushed us over to one of the leather captain's seats, and picked up a small, rectangular parcel, and handed it to me, a joyful look on his face. "For me?" I asked, totally surprised. "I haven't had a birthday gift since I was 6!" He smiled as he waited for me to open it, flapping his hands in excitement. I pulled off the silver paper, to reveal a long lidded blue box. I took off the top, and in it, sat on a velvet cushion, was a slim gold watch, similar to his, but the rectangular watch face surrounded by tiny blue crystals. I looked up at the Doctor and smiled. "It's beautiful," I said, not knowing how to react "This may be the most expensive thing I've ever worn in my lifetime" I looked at it in awe. "Here, let me do that," he said, doing up the strap around my wrist. He looked up at me and said, "So you always know I'm here," before enveloping me in a huge bear hug. When he pulled back, I shook my hair out of my face and looked at the watch. His hand went to the sonic screwdriver pocket of his blazer, and he pulled out a small, shiny key, a warm smile on his face. "What's this?" I asked as he placed it in my hand. "What this is, Delphine Winchester, is me inviting you to be my companion. It's a thing I do, like an initiation, but anyways, do you accept?" He asked, holding my small hands in his. I pretended to think about for a minute and squeezed his hands. "Of course! There's nowhere I'd rather be than here with you in the TARDIS saving places and traveling through time!" I replied as he wrapped his arms around me, lifting me off the glittering floor. He put me down, as I laughed. "Happy birthday, Miss Winchester," he said, letting go of me. 

"So!" He exclaimed, clasping his hands together. "Where would you like to go on your special day?" he asked. I already knew where I wanted to go, and that was to see my family. "Sioux Falls General, June 6th, 2017!" I said, and he began to get the TARDIS ready to leave. "Want to see your brothers, eh?" He asked as he typed the time and place into the typewriter, and danced around the console, pulling a lever up, pushing another forward, and pushed another downwards, before we set off into the time vortex, back to my life on Earth. "Yup, just want to make sure they're okay," I said as he nodded in understanding. Changed into skinny jeans, the pair of deep blue Converse that had nearly hit me in the face the other day and a black t-shirt with a grey cardigan, I stepped out of the blue door onto the front parking lot of Sioux Falls General, the Doctor following close behind. "Midday," he said, looking down at the gold watch on his wrist, "Perfect," he continued, closing the blue box behind him. I walked in and went to the reception. "What room is ... Mr. Novak in?" I asked. The lady searched the name up and smiled. "Room 133a, also..." she said, just as I was about to walk away. Looking back she put a finger up as if to call me back. "Yes?" I asked. "The damage is pretty bad, if anything happens, please do call a nurse," she asked as I nodded and walked away, The Doctor saying 'thank you' for me. "You never told me what your brothers do," He asked as we got into the elevator. "I still don't know what they do," I said, realizing how stupid it sounded. He shrugged and followed me as we looked for room 113a. When we found it I knocked on the door, to be greeted by the surprised and delighted face of Cas. "Oh Delphine, good thing you're finally here," he said monotonously, pulling me into one of his weird hugs. Normal for Cas. "Sup Cas," I said as I walked in, and introduced the Doctor. "Cas, this is... Trevor" I said, thinking of a name. "Doctor Trevor Lockhart" He nodded and stepped to the side, letting me see my three brothers.

I winced as I saw them, all looking beat up and close to death. I even heard The Doctor wince behind me as he looked at each of them individually. "Kitten!" I turned around at the sound of my old nickname. "Dean!" I bend down and gave him a hug, his recognition of me giving me hope. He let me go, and I looked at his overjoyed face, sitting next to him. "Come on in, then, Doctor!" He said, beckoning him to come closer. He did as Dean said, closing the door behind him. "Happy birthday sis," he said, rubbing my shoulder. I looked around and saw a table, which was covered in presents. I sat looking at them for a moment, before Dean said, "Open them, then!" asking Adam to hand him the smallest, box-like present from the center of the table. "My special gift, to my favorite sister," He said as I rolled my eyes. "I'm your only sister," I said unwrapping the white and gold paper, to reveal a tiny folder. I opened it up, to reveal a picture of me, Dean, Sam, and Cas. I looked at Dean, laughing. "Where'd you get it, I thought you guys were photogenic and hated taking pictures?" I asked, completely confused by the picture. "It's to remember us, like how I remember you and Sammy and mom from my picture" Dean replied, showing me the familiar picture he always kept in his pocket. "Open the rest!" He said as I sat in front of the table and began opening all the presents. Clothes, Jewelry, Pictures and more began to pile up around me. "And you Mr. Lockhart" Dean began, making me laugh, he was going to do his game, one I personally loved to watch. "It's actually Doctor, sir" The Doctor replied, shushing himself when Dean stared at him. "I assume that you're her friend? Where do you live?" He asked. The Doctor gulped. "Right across the street Dean, he's roommates with Rhydian, who I would have bought if he was free," I said for him making the Doctor nodded. "Right, and can we trust that you'll take care of Delphine, here, right? Along with Rhydian?" He asked, making the Doctor squirm. "Yes, of course, you can rely on me!" The Doctor said. "Oh good, you're British, Delphine will get her daily Oolong tea intake," He said. The Doctor, not knowing what to say, just smiled. "I'm kidding, god, I know Delphine can take care of herself." He said making the Doctor sighed. "Thanks for all of this, Dean!" I said, realizing how badly the Doctor wanted to leave. "Thank Adam, I forced him to go out and buy it all" I smiled. "Thank you, Adam," I said, as he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever," He said as I turned around to leave, making the Doctor carry all my stuff. "I'll come back next weekend!" I said as we left the room and hospital.

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