Chapter 11

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"You didn't tell me that he was the main one!" The Doctor said as he stumbled down the stairs holding all my gifts. "He's my favorite brother for a reason," I said as The Doctor rolled his eyes. "And Adam?" He asked. "Quite an attitude on his only sister's birthday." I nodded. "Half-brothers do tend to feel like that, especially because Dad abandoned him, not us," I said as the Doctor nodded. "And Cas, quite monotonous," He remarked as I laughed. "That's classic Cas, he's a little awkward but it's cool, he's like another brother to me," I said as we walked to the TARDIS, waiting for The Doctor to open the door. "Try it!" He suddenly said, gesturing to the locked TARDIS. Giving him a stare I suddenly realized that I had a key too now. "Oh yeah!" I said, pulling out the key. I put it in and turned it, hearing the click of a lock. Pulling the key out, I swung the door open and stepped aside, letting the Doctor get in. "Oh my god, I'm an official companion!" I said, jumping up and down. As The Doctor fiddled with the console, I looked at the watch he gave me, which I noticed didn't tell the time in numbers, but another language I that looked familiar. Feeling bored, I decided to try on the clothes that my brothers had given me. Putting aside all the jewelry and other things, I tried all the clothes, the TARDIS dressing room being the best place because of it's fully mirrored walls. Trying on the first one, a high waisted grey dress with a tulle skirt. I held it up against me and looked in the mirror of the changing room. My hair looked redder now than its usual burnt orange shade. I quickly slipped on the dress and sat on the bottom step and tied the laces of the matching Converse. "I think, I liked this one the best," I said, bounding down the stairs, stopping midway to take a picture with the new phone they gave me too. The Doctor turned around and clapped while smiling. "It does make your hair," He said as I crossed my arms and scoffed. "Aren't we going somewhere?" I asked, looking at the screen. "Yep, but it's a surprise!" he said eagerly, covering the screen from my view. "In fact, this one is a big surprise," he said, his face suddenly serious. I stared at him curiously. "What, what is it?" I asked as he ran around the console, doing the slidey thing he loved to do.

He didn't answer but simply put a finger up. After a good 10 minutes, I got bored and asked him again. "So Doctor, where are we?" I asked as the blue box whooshed and groaned, meaning we had arrived. He tapped his nose, and I rolled my eyes, taking his outstretched hand. He pulled the door open, and a wondrous sight met my eyes. I looked up, and the ceiling must have been fifty feet tall, luxuriously decorated with detailed artwork, and at the center hung a diamond chandelier, which glittered and twinkled against the afternoon sun. I saw golden fabrics and silks everywhere I looked; there was a crystal white marble fireplace, on which stood silver candelabras, which flickered with light. The floor beneath me was finely polished wood, and I couldn't help but rub around my rubber-soled shoes. My observation was abruptly interrupted by the creaking of a door and the mutter of a voice, as I felt a hand pull me back into the TARDIS. Looking back at the Doctor, who looked slightly guilty, I decided to ask him what was up. "Doctor, where are we exactly?" I asked him, my tone inquisitive, my eyebrows raised. He ran a hand through his hair, instantly telling me he was hiding something. "If you look that worried, it must be something big. Or embarrassing. Or, in your case, both," I sighed. Finally, he plucked up the courage to speak. "Buckingham Palace, 1838, a great year really, though the night of November 17th was a bit of a blur..." he trailed off, a faint look of worry on his face. "Enlighten me," I asked, watching him carefully. He cleared his throat, and said, "Queen Victoria, we were good friends but her father was quite angry with me, for a reason I never wish to reveal..." wringing his hands together. I laughed at his nerves, and his apparent desire to leave. "Did something happen?" I asked. "Like alien stuff?" He sighed and began to head back to the console when I ran in front of it, covering it. "Don't you go near that console," I warned him, glaring at him, holding back a smile. "Fine, we'll go explore," he said reluctantly, "But don't ask me any awkward questions, okay Delphie?" He asked, looking at me for assurance. I nodded, my fingers crossed behind my back. He gave a sigh of relief and put his ear to the door. 

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