Chapter 13

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"Raggedy man, goodbye...Please, just regenerate!...My lonely angel...See you tomorrow, Doctor..." I sat up, panting hard in fear. I looked around, surveying my surroundings as I realized I was in the med bay. Looking down to my right, I saw The Doctor was fast asleep too in his chair which was adjacent to my bed. I winced as another wave of voices echoed through, his voice now piercing the echoes. "Stop! Please stop!" he was shouting. Fearing he was having a nightmare or something worse, I began to shake him awake. "Doctor?!" I said as he suddenly got up, almost scaring me into screaming. "Oh, hello..." He said as he looked at me, sleep still in his eyes. Looking at him, you would have never realized that he was bothered by nightmares but I knew better, as his sister. "How do you live with so much sadness?!" I asked, guessing his emotions, ones of sadness and anger. Discerning his expression, I realized my question had hit him hard. His once innocent and unknowing face transformed to one of sadness and anger. "Forgetting was what has helped me survive for so long. It's that feeling of kindness and relief I feel when I save people, but it always gets dwarfed by the losses" He said, burying his head in his hands."I've lost so much! Trying to save people, it's what made me feel like a better person! But when they all come back, all at once, I can't cope, Delphine! Did you know the things that haunt me? Did you know why I can't sleep at night? Guilt" he was shouting now, feelings and emotions overflowing. He'd bottled it up for too long and I would know. Dean did the same when he was mad. He'd bottle things up and soon he'd throw things, hit things; anything to get his anger out. "I just try and make things right, and they go wrong! I always end up hurting the people I love, and..." He just sighed and put his head down again. "How did you know?" He asked, his voice muffled from the blankets. "Clairaudience," I said as The Doctor sighed. "Stupid siren traits, I'm feeling really attacked right now," He said as I smiled a little.

"Back to you; what happened in your dream?" He asked. I pretended I didn't hear him as he looked up and raised his eyebrows. "What?" I asked as H repeated his question. "What happened in your dream?" He said again, this time looking straight at me. "Nothing," I said, shrugging my shoulders, trying to avoid the conversation. "Delphine," He asked again, looking stern. "Just bad memories," I said, feeling tears come out. "Spill," He said as he climbed onto the bed and sat as if he wanted to hear everything. Like girls did at sleepovers when he ranted to each other about things. Sighing, I decided that if I could trust anyone, it would most definitely be him. "Just Dean and Sam leaving me, creepy music stuff, Adam being an idiot," I said, making the Doctor laugh a little. "What!" I demanded as he failed at holding it back. "Just the way you say idiot..." He said, laughing again. I scoffed and laughed. "What about the crazy way you check your watch?" I asked back as he gasps. "It's perfectly efficient, what about the way you couldn't pronounce Oolong till you were six?" I laughed. "I used to call it 'you-long!'" I said laughing. Suddenly, the tears that were streaming down my face and the anger that The Doctor was holding in, vanished, and we were joking to each other about how weird we were. "Oh Delphie, you're the best sister ever!" He said as we struggled to regain our breath from laughing. The Doctor was on the floor and I was collapsed on the bed. "And you're the best brother ever." I said back to him as he smiled.

The End

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