Chapter VI

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Jimin POV

All of our alarms came off the next morning at the same time. I grunted as I got up slowly and, surprisingly, I was the first to get up. When I walked into the living room/dinning room, I smiled at the cute sight before me. Namjoon and Aidee had fallen asleep on the table, studying Korean. "How cute," I heard Hobi whisper from behind me. I turned and nodded with a smile, to see all of the guys awake. I reached forward and shook Aidee awake. She lifted up her head and opened her eyes. "Morning," she murmured sleepily. "Good morning!" We all exclaimed, waking Namjoon. "You have school, so go get ready," Jin said. She nodded, got up and went to her room to get clothes. "How's she doing?" I asked Namjoon. He yawned and smiled. "She's a fast learner. Appearantly, she understands more of what we're saying when we speak slower." We all nodded. "So now we gotta just speak slower? 'kay," said Kookie. I went to help Jin in the kitchen while Hobi and Tae bothered Suga, who was laying down on the couch. Kookie went inside his room, so did Namjoon. I then noticed something, and asked Jin, "Is it okay for us to walk shirtless with a female teenager in our care?" I looked down at myself and saw my abdomen muscles exposed, as well as the rest of my upper body.

"If she doesn't mind, I guess it's fine," Jin said. He too was shirtless, and his well-marked body was exposed as well. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to make the pancake mix. "Jin Oppa! Your turn!" Aidee exclaimed as she walked out of the bathroom in a pair of jeans and a white tank top. "Okay! Suga, come here and help Chim Chim," Jin instructed the lazy young male. He got up from the couch and started to help me. "Aidee, why aren't you wearing your uniform?" Asked Namjoon. She tried to answer in Korean, "It is videogame theme casual day and I'm looking for a mine Zelda hood. I can't find." I decided to but in, "Ask Jin. He has countless sweaters of Nintendo." Now I was flipping the pancakes on the pan. "Thank you Jimin Oppa," she said and heard her walk away.

After a few minutes, I was showered, and we all sat at the table, eating breakfast. "Isn't that sweater too big for you?" asked Tae to our dongsaeng. We all looked at her, her cheeks puffed with food. She gave us a shrug and kept eating. "She looks cute!" Hobi exclaimed, with Suga snapping a picture of her. "What classes do you take, Aidee?" Asked Jin. She swallowed her food, then answered, "Uh... I'm in the American exchange program, my morning classes are Korean-English. I has literature, Korean and Korean History. Then I has P.E. and Art Class, or Music Class and Dance class. Today I has Music class and Dance class." We all nodded. We were all done eating in a few minutes. "Who's doing the dishes?" Asked Namjoon. "We're not done dressing yet," I said. We were all shirtless or with white tank tops. "I can do dishes. You go dress," Aidee said, standing up and grabbing all of our plates. "You sure?" Asked Kookie. Aidee nodded with a smile, dumping the dishes in the sink. "Positive." We all thanked her and went to dress. I put on a white Gucci t-shirt and combed my dirty blonde hair, then grabbed my things. We weren't late for once as we all exited the apartment dorms and Jin hyung locked the door. I suddenly felt something on my hand, and saw that Aidee was shyly smiling up at me, her hand in mine.

We all walked to the elevator, and as the door was going to close, the nuns that live next door entered the elevator. "Good morning!" The eldest exclaimed. Two younger looking nuns were with her a well. We all answered back, with slight disinterest, except for Aidee, who started a small conversation with them. "Good morning, sisters. Off to church?" Aidee politely asked. The nuns smiled at her as we all chuckled. "Oh yes! Today we will help at the church. What about you? Are you going to school?" One of the younger ones said. Aidee nodded. The elevator door opened on the lobby floor, where the nuns got off. "Good bye, little one," said the other young woman. "God bless you," Aidee responded, waiving at them. They awed at her and said the same thing back, then the door closed. "You're very Catholic, right?" Tae asked. Aidee shook her head no. "I very... Respectful? Respectful," she said twice, checking if the word was right.

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