Chapter X

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Aidee POV

"I personally think my little Seung couldn't have done this to your daughter," said Ms. Park, crossing her arms and looking at Yoongi. The principal had exited the office to look for Ms. Evans, who witnessed the "attack". Yoongi glared at her and Seung. I personally had never seen Yoongi this mad before, and it was my fault, but I had to stop Seung. He looked ready to kill Saeran! "I'm sorry, I haven't properly introduced myself. My name is Min Yoongi, my stage name is Suga. I'm from BTS,the group from Big Hit. You probably didn't get that Seung is on probation, right?" Yoongi Oppa responded. The woman went silent as she stared from Yoongi, to Seung, to me and Saeran. "Is it true?" She asked Seung. Seung looked at Yoongi, who had now his back towards me, and nodded to his mother. Right then entered the principal with Ms. Evans. "I'm sorry, Ms. Park, but your son indeed hit Aidee on the face and pushed her down to the ground. He as well started swearing at Saeran and grabbed him by his shirt and-" "I'm sorry to interrupt you, Ms. Evans, but I get the situation now. I'm taking Seung home to talk. Do I need to sign anything?" Ms. Park said. She made Seung apologize to us, in which I hugged him and said it was okay. He, as well as everybody else in the room, was stunned, but he soon left with his mother and a suspension slip.

Yoongi, Saeran and I exited the office engulfed in silence. "I'm sorry, Yoongi Hyung..." Silently said Saeran. Like always, his voice was quiet and raspy, which suites his bad boy demeanor. "No, it was my fault. If I hadn't intervened, he hadn't hit me in the face or gotten in trouble..." I admitted. Yoongi turned to face us and smiled at me, ruffling my hair. "It wasn't your fault. Seung got what he deserved for being an asshole," Yoongi Oppa said. Saeran nodded and smiled, and I nodded in return. Then came Jisoo running towards us from the courtyard. "DEE!" she exclaimed, almost out of breath. "Yeah? What's wrong?" I asked. She smiled at me and said, "The Sewing class teacher said that we have to go in for measurements. The costumes are almost done, but they're having a small problem with your measurements for the third costume. Saeran, you too, since you background dance for Dee." We both nodded and I turned to Yoongi Oppa when Jisoo spoke again. "Yoongi Oppa, Ms. Kang needs you for a second to overview Saeyoung." Yoongi nodded, and we all went our separate ways.

I went running to the first floor's sewing class and opened the door. "I'm here!" I exclaimed, looking around to the group that was making my three costumes. They were in the biggest table, since they were the biggest group. "Aidee unnie!" One of the girls called me over. She had glasses, and an apron that had pins all over the bottom. "Alright, what do you need? Measurements? Design opinions?" I asked. "Measurements and for you to try on the first one of the outfits, so Jaehee can size it properly, noona," said Cameron, who was the head of the table. He pointed at the girl that called me earlier. She took an outfit that was covered with a black garbage bag and hurried me into one of the two dressing rooms inside the classroom. This was the second classroom for Advanced Home Ec., in which all of the classmates were younger than I was, but extreme pros. This is why Cameron said Noona and Jaehee called me Unnie.

The outfit I had tried on was for Su-min's performance. It was Camilla Cabello's red outfit, but in black. Then, after a million measurements, I was able to get back to practice. Yoongi Oppa was helping Saeyoung with his rapping, and after a while, they practiced. Later, I went home with Yoongi Oppa. We walked hand in hand, when I decided to ask something important.

Yoongi POV

I held Aidee's hand as we walked down a busy street, going back home. "Oppa," Aidee started. "Can I visit my parents? It's just down this turn." Of course the question threw me off guard, but I wasn't going to neglect letting her see her parents' graves. "Of course, sweetheart. Let's go," I responded. She smiled and I let her guide me to the graveyard. A few turns and steps, and we're already entering the cementary. The first thing I notice, is that it's very different than in movies.

Instead of the dark and horror-like feeling of suspense, as if something bad or spirirual might appear, it has an aura of innocence.

Ironic, isn't it?

When one thinks of cementeries or graveyards, the most obscure and dark thoughts flood one's mind, as it normally should. People who have died, no matter the cause, all end up burried underground. They end up being forgotten after the years, after the generations.

But right now, that's not how it looks.

A young girl, with long, waivy brown hair and blue-green eyes is sitting three feet in front of me criss-cross, facing two graves. One read, "Gerard Park," and the other read, "Cordelia Park". So her last name is Park? Aidee Cordelia Park, my sweetheart. "Eomma, Appa," I heard her start. I looked down, giving her a bit more privacy. "I finally got adopted, and by beautiful people," she chirped. "I'm sure it was you who led them to me. The oldest is named Seokjin, and he's like a mom and a princess, but he hates being called that." I smiled at the accurate description of the eldest Hyung. "Four of them act like my older brothers, too! Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook! And two of them are like my dads." Aidee kept on going. "The first one is Namjoon. He breaks alot of stuff, but is super caring and nice. And then there's Yoongi," with hearing my name, my ears perked up and I raised my head.

She had both of her hands over the dirt where flowers once were. "He acts very cold at first, but he cares so much! He gives the best hugs and fixes everything in the house that Namjoon breaks. He looks after me alot. They all do..." Her voice grew slightly quiet after a second, but soon spoke once again. "I miss you. Very much. Have fun wherever you are. I love you." Then, she stood up. I pretended to not have understood what she had said to her parents, and smiled at her and ruffled her hair. "Oppa, I'm done," she smiled up at me. Her eyes were glossy, but she hadn't held back any tears. "Okay, sweetheart. Let's go. I'll buy you jjajangmyeon." And with that, I left, holding the hand of a pure, wingless angel.

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