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Hello, guys. It's been a while.

I would just like to say that I planned on updating today, but shit happened.

And by shit I mean earthquakes.

It literally trembles here every minute, and where I live I can feel all of them. I've been awake since 4:30am and won't probably sleep tonight.

As well, the lights went out on the whole island once the shaking started. It was so scary. Due to that as well, some damages were made to cellphone towers and we have almost zero signal.

I am incredibly dizzy. Like, you can't even imagine. And sometimes when you think it's trembling, it isn't; it's just our minds playing games with us.

I feel like I'll need counseling after this. It's been more than 50 after waves.

Also my grandma stayed here with us since 4:30am because she lives near the beach and there was a tsunami alert. She's driving me crazy.

Every time it shakes, she runs outside like a maniac. I was all chill because the worst had already happened, but she kept on yelling at me for not going for cover.

I mean, so far my house is COMPLETELY FINE. No cracks anywhere. She yelled at me also when I was eating and there was this small quake, and she went outside while my brother and I sat at the table and yelled at me to go outside, even if the quake was already over.

So yeah.

I want to live in Florida now. Seriously. My headache is so bad.

Anyways, what a year this week has been!

Update coming when lights come back.

Oh and did I mention that I audition for Plus Global? And got in? Probably I'll say in another update or smth.

Bye peeps.

-Rose Gold

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