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Okay, chapter has smut. Not super descriptive but it's there. You don't like it you don' t have to read it. 

The following morning was absolutely ridiculous and breakfast was the first battle field. Rocket and Quill were at each other's throats as our current predicament was rehashed.

"Once again, asshat, we wouldn't be in this situation if you had just let me fly the ship. It's not my fault that you'll be stranded here fixing it up." Quill spat.

"Yeah, whatever. It would never've happened if somebody wasn't so concerned with showing off for his girlfriend to make up for what he's lacking between his legs." Rocket crossed his arms and sneered at a fuming Star-Lord.

"That literally was below the belt, Rocket. You guys are friends. We can't go back and change history so the only thing we can do is work with what we've got." I tried, and failed, to reason with the raccoon.

"Yeah, and what we've got is a big fucking steaming pile of SHIT!" Rocket kicked a stone with such force that it lodged itself into a tree. He took off back to our mangled heap of metal and I assumed he was going to start working on repairs.

Drax, Gamora, and Peter collected the things they'd need for their trip. Gamora locked Nebula down and made sure that she was secure. "Shoot her if she tries anything. Or if you feel like it."

"'kay." Rocket muttered as he maneuvered some sort of device that began to fix the ship. Gamora knelt down in front of baby Groot who was crying. She brushed a finger across his cheek to wipe the tear away. "We'll only be gone for a few days. We'll be back before the ship is fixed." She promised him. He turned and waved as she walked into the forest.

"Bye, (Y/N). Be careful. We'll be back soon."

"See ya, Peter. You be careful, too. And have fun." I tried to quell the uneasy feeling that made me nauseous and caused alarm bells to go off in my brain.

"Let's hope daddy's not as big of a douchebag as you, orphan boy." Rocket's comment surprised both of us and even Groot looked upset. Rocket didn't look at anybody and continued his work.

"What is your goal here? To make everybody hate you? 'Cause it's workin'." I couldn't help but feel that those parting comments could be the last they'd ever exchange. Rocket didn't make eye contact and looked at the ground, a sad smile on his face and an unreadable emotion in his eyes.

I watched as half our team was ushered into the eggmobile and blasted off to God knows where. I spun around and noticed Nebula staring at me with an emotionless face.

"You okay?" I asked, feeling a little nervous. She blinked twice. "Yeah. I'm fine." She looked away, disengaging. Instead of ignoring her like I should have, I sat down in the floor next to her. Her head whipped over in a flash and I didn't let the motion startle me. "What are you doing?" She demanded.

"I'm sitting here."

"I can see that. But why?"

"Because I need a place to sit and work on assembling these parts. And I just want to talk to you." I made my voice light and friendly despite the dreadful feeling blooming in my stomach.

"Well I don't want to talk to you." She stated with a glare.

"Nebula, you don't scare or intimidate me. You can try, but you don't. I look at you and I see somebody who needs a friend. Or at least someone to talk to. It's evident that you're hurting."

"I'm a machine. I don't feel pain." She leaned forward, hands resting on her knees.

"I'm not talking about physical pain. I'm talking about the pain in here. And here." I pointed to my head and my heart before resuming my tinkering. Her silence told me she was letting that sink in and I half smiled. The silence also meant that she wasn't objecting to my company.

"Why are you even talking to her? She's the enemy, (Y/N). The psychotic bitch doesn't deserve kindness." Rocket called to me from across the ship.

"You've been acting like a grumpy old man and have been nasty to everybody, and we still are nice to you." I pointed out.

"She will kill you, (Y/N). That's just what she does." He padded over to me and yanked me up and away from Nebula who was viewing this interaction like one would watch a movie. "Now, listen to me. We've got some golden bitch and an army of Ravagers along with countless other nobodies we pissed off who are searching for us. Some want to collect our bounties while other want to kill us." He pulled me closer to him so our faces were inches apart, ensuring I was looking him in the eyes.

"If we want to live, then you have to do exactly as I say. If I say to stay here, you stay here. If I fucking tell you to not sit next to a murderous criminal, DON'T FUCKING SIT THERE!" His eyes were a bit more red than their usual brown, something I hadn't noticed before. He shook me a bit roughly. "Answer me."

Startled, I nodded my head. "Okay. Whatever. I just think that even if she just had someone to talk to, at least that would ease some of the pain she's feeling. I want to help."

"So you think I can be saved? You're wrong. I will kill all of you and then kill my father." Rocket let go of my suit so I could address her.

"I see that you're extremely angry. And you have every right to be. But underneath all that anger is a person who is dying for a friend. I see it because I was you, once upon a time. Just at least think about it." Her gaze shifted down.

I turned back around, adjusted my suit and raised my eyebrows at Rocket while his went down. "You, me. Upstairs. Now." He roughly shoved my back and I stumbled, but luckily caught myself. "What's your problem? Drama king lost his crown?" I questioned once we got up the stairs.

"My problem Is YOU! Why would you even think that it's okay to just start chatting it up with a fucking psychopath!? You can't be friends with her, she will kill us when she has the chance, and no you cannot help her." Rocket jabbed a finger into my chest just below my collarbone. I took a step back only for him to advance further. My back was met with cold metal and I had nowhere to go.

"Look, I knew that she couldn't hurt me. If she does, I'm strong enough to tear her apart. She's lethal but so am I. So stop pretending I'm your grandma's fine china. She's tied down anyway. She's not goin' nowhere."

Rocket put his face in mine once again, his lips slowly spreading into a devilish smile. He leaned forward so his mouth was next to my ear. "Speaking of tied down, remember those cuffs? I still got 'em. And don't think I wouldn't enjoy putting them to use again." His voice was low and sent chills down my spine and my breath hitched. His teeth scraped against my throat as his tongue coasted down to my shoulder. My head fell against the wall giving him better access. His arms snaked around my back, one between my shoulder blades while the other rested on my lower back, pressing us together.

My eyes fluttered shut as his lips melded with mine, a small moan working its way from my throat. "(Y/N)," He broke away and his eyes searched mine. "Can we.. are you...?" I knew what he was asking and I thought about it but made my decision quickly. "Yes, Rocket. I want you now and I always will. I love you. I'm not sure if you feel the same, but just thought you should know."

Without hesitation, he removed his suit and I discarded mine. Our lips met again in a heated kiss, our hands exploring each other's bodies. I was careful to stay away from his cybernetics so I kept my hands on his chest. He pressed me against the wall before he paused to look at me. "You ready?" I gave him a nod but I was nervous. "You'll be fine. Just relax." He gently touched my face before he entered me, slowly at first so it wasn't as painful. I let out a gasp, not realizing that he was actually pretty big for a raccoon. He gently brought me to the floor; a low chuckle rumbled in his chest as he picked up the pace, my fingers gripping his arms as he slammed into me. My breathing was erratic and the sensations had my brain overloaded- his teeth on my throat lightly nibbling, his hands on my hips, his breath in my ear. I finally shattered into a million pieces and Rocket put his hand over my mouth to muffle the scream.

I'm not sure how long I stayed there, curled up in his arms while he mindlessly kneaded one of my breasts. I yawned and shut my eyes, loving the feeling of his warm body against mine. My thoughts were still jumbled but I knew one thing. Our relationship changed today and I finally admitted my feelings for him.

"(Y/n)?" Rocket mumbled into my hair.


"I love you, too." He planted a kiss on my temple before pulling me more towards him. I grinned and let myself drift into a peaceful sleep. 

Rocket x Reader PART 2Where stories live. Discover now