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I walked outside for some fresh air and sat on the pavement and I was trying my hardest not to cry but in the end I couldn't keep it in

Mason is great and I always had a thing for him but he's not Zach and Zach is who I want and love

A girl with beautiful hair came and sat down next to me

"Rough day huh?" She says

"You wouldn't even understand" I sniffle

"Try me" she says

I tell her everything I mean what harm could it do? She's a stranger who probably doesn't even care

"Sounds like a headfuck" she says

"I know" I say

"What's your name?" She asks

"Skylar Marais what's yours?" I ask

"Louise Reece" she says, "Wait are you Jonah's sister?" She asks

"Yep" I say

"Explains why your outside his concert and your last name is Marais" I say

I just giggle

"Go back in and shake it off and enjoy the concert" she says

"You know what I will" I smile

I stand up

"Thank you" I say

"Your welcome" She smiles

"Do you want to come in?" I ask

"Sure" she smiles


Authors Note:

So I think I did okay on my maths exam! My teachers thinks I could get a C maybe a B!
I haven't stopped stressing about this exam!

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