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27th December

All the boys families are flying out to New York, including mine

"Sky, Zach are you ready to leave?" Myta shouts

Zach carries down nine and his suitcase, as I carry my bag and his backpack, "Here" He smiles

"I left my earphones on the bed 2 seconds" I say about to run up the stairs

"Can you tell Ryan to hurry up" Josh asks

I nod my head and ran up the stairs, I grabbed my earphones of the bed and made my way to Ryan's room, I knocked on the door

"Come in" He croaked out, he's crying

I opened the door and walked in, he was sat on his made bed, I sat next to him, "Hey what's wrong?" I ask

"I don't want to go" He frowns

"You don't like flying do you?" I ask

"I'm such a wimp" He says

A tear slips down his face, I wipe it

"Your not a wimp I get scared as well Zach always calms me down, your sat by me and Zach we will cheer you up" I smile

"No, please don't tell Zach" He begs

"Why not?" I ask confused

"He will make fun of me" He mumbles

"Zach cried at gossip girl, use that against him" I laugh

He laughs, "Come on we got a flight to catch" I smile

We both walk downstairs, I turned to Ryan and he wiped his eyes, "Thank you" He says

"Welcome" I smile

I turn to Zach, "What was wrong with him?" He asks

"I'll tell you later, it's all sorted now" I smile

3 hours later

We just took off, Ryan is fine thank god. I can't wait to see my family I really miss them, they're landing the same time as us actually

4 hours later

We landed and now we're just waiting for my family to land, I see Jonah, I run over to him and hug him, "I've missed you" I say

He hugs me back, "I saw you 4 days ago" He laughs

I pull away and look at him funny, "It's been 4 days? It felt like forever" I mumble

I hug my mom and dad, I then introduce everyone to each other, Zach have met my parents so many times so I didn't need to do that

Authors Note;

I'm writing the last chapter now, how sad

Lil Marais ⇒ Why Don't WeWhere stories live. Discover now