31st December
Its New Years Eve! The whole fam is in Paris, we're going Disneyland tonight for the fireworks, it's been a dream of mine since I was a kid.
It's 1 hour until midnight, we're all at Disney land, watching the performances. I'm holding Zach's hand with my head resting on his shoulder. I look up at our group, lowkey feel bad that Jack is the only single one in the group, but I look at him talking to a girl
I turn my head and Zach looks down at me, he smiles before opening his mouth, "This is perfect" He says
I go on my tip toes and give him a kiss, it goes on longer than I expected, I pull away teasing him
11:30 pm
We're all ready for it to hit 12, and by the looks of it so is Jack, he's getting really close to this girl. I look at Zach as he looks at me, I move my eyes over to Jack making him look
"Ayeee get it boy" Zach yells
All the boys look, so do the girls, "Jack is about to get it" Jonah yells
Jack shakes his head and walks away with the girl, "Your both so horrible" I shake my head at Jonah and Zach
"What?" Jonah asks
"Girls don't like that, it's embarrassing" Lou says
"Go after him and apologise, hurry up we've got 10 minutes until 12 and I want us all to be together" I tell them both
They both rush of into the direction Jack would in, I turn to the girls and Daniel, "I can't wait to start a new year" I say
"Me neither, I have tour in February" Blair smiles
"Damn we all really grew up" Lou laughs
"Took time but we did it together" Daniel smiles as he puts his arm around Blair
I look at them 3 and I couldn't be anymore grateful for my BestFriends, I look over at Corbyn and Christina and I smile, everyone is finally happy
11:59 pm
Everyone is counting down, we are all stood near each other but watching the countdown, everyone is ready to give there partner a New Years kiss
"10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1" I hear screams
"Happy new year" Everyone shouts
Me and Zach lean in, our lips connect. I will never get over how soft his lips are or the way they feel against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist without breaking the kiss. There were fireworks, and I'm not talking about the ones going off at the moment, I'm talking about the kiss. We pull away smiling at each other. Our love story has been one long ride, but it was worth it.
"I love you so much Skylar Marais"
"I love you so much too Zach Herron"

Lil Marais ⇒ Why Don't We
FanfictionMy life hasn't always been easy, having fame and money doesn't make you happy but one person who makes me happy is my big brother Jonah Mararis you might know him from Why Don't We! I know Jonah's last name isn't Marais! But everyone knows him as Jo...