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7 months later

What a great 7 months it's been. Zach did change his attitude towards our relationship and ever since it's been perfect, we've had our ups and downs but that's like any normal relationship.

We spent ThanksGiving with my family, but we're doing Christmas with our own families, well so he thinks anyway. He left 2 days ago and it's Christmas Eve tomorrow so your girl is going to get on a flight to Dallas tonight and surprise her boyfriend

"Hey you ready to go home?" Jonah asks

"I already told you I'm going to surprise Zach for Christmas" I say

"Oh yeah, what times your flight?" He asks

"8:15 tomorrow morning" I smile

"Well I've got to get to the airport now but I'll see you on the 27th?" He asks

"What's the 27th?" I ask confused

He looks at me like I'm stupid, "Me and the boys are playing Madison Square Garden remember" He laughs

"Oh yeah sorry" I laugh

"Okay well I've gotta go" He says

He pulls me into a big hug, "Merry Christmas Sky" He says

I hug him tight, "I love you Jonah" I say

"I love you too" He says pulling away, "FaceTime me tonight and tomorrow" He says

"I will" I smile


I'm outside Zach's house, I quickly call his mom

She picks up, "Are you here?" She asks

"Yeah I'm outside" I whisper

She ends the call and the next thing I know the front door opens wide, she hugs me

"How are you?" I ask as we pull away

"I'm great sweetie, how are you?" She asks

"Really good" I smile

I walk in the house with my suitcase and greet everyone, "Hey, where is Zach?" I ask Josh

"He's having a nap, go on up" He smiles


I walk up the stairs into his bedroom, I close the door so quiet. I stand there for a few seconds and think how am I going to wake him up, I eventually decide on jumping on him

I jump on him and he opens his eyes and jumps, "Surprise" I yell

He sits up, he looks very confused which I couldn't help but laugh at, "But-, your-" He cuts himself off

"But I'm meant to be in Minnesota, I know" I smirk

I think he finally processes that I'm actually here, he jumps on me and he's about to kiss me when I feel his bed just sorta break maybe

"Zach" I laugh

"You felt that too?" He asks

We get of the bed and he checks it out, "Yep it's broken" He says

"Does that mean we have to go shopping for a new bed?" I ask

"I guess so" he mumbles

"Good because I want to go Christmas shopping" I yell in excitement

"Yeah I sorta still need to by for Reese and Ryan" He laughs

"Okay I just need to change into some comfy clothes because I'm in the mood for comfy clothes I guess" I say

I put a pair of leggings on with my white Air Force, "Can I borrow your white hoodie?" I ask Zach

"Go for it" He says getting changed

I pull the hoodie over my head and onto my body, I put my coat on, after Zach gets changed I look at his outfit he has sweatpants and a jumper on, thank god I'm not the only one

I'm about to walk out of his room but he grabs my arms, gently pushing me against the door, "Baby I haven't had my kiss yet" He smirks

I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist, we both lean in and kiss

5 hours later

"Are you happy now you've got presents for everyone in my family?" Zach asks

"Very" I smile

We put all the bags in the boot of Zach's car along with his new bed that we bought earlier. We both get in the car and put our seatbelts on, Zach begins to drive. He rests his hand on my thigh, I smile looking out the window. I look at all the decorated houses we pass on the way home, Christmas is my favourite time of year.

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