28th December
It's finally the day the boys play Madison Square Garden, I couldn't be more proud of each and every single one of them.
The boys left they had interviews and then soundcheck. Me, Christina, Lou and Blair are all in New York for this event well Lou and Christina live here but anyways we're all going shopping together
I hear a knock on the door it must be Blair, I open the door, "Oh my god I've missed you so much" I say
We hug each other, "I've missed you too" She smiles
4 hours later
"You have to wear that dress tonight" I tell Christina
"Corbyn will love it" Lou laughs
"Shut up" she mumbles, "What do you think B?" She asks
Blair doesn't answer she just continues to text, I sit next to her she doesn't even notice, I look at her phone, she's sending hearts to Daniel?
"Daniel huh?" I say
She shoots her head up, "You can't say anything" She Says firmly
"We won't" Lou says
"What's going on with you both?" Christina asks
"We're together" she smiles widely
"Oh my god" Lou says
"Congratulations" I smile
"I'm happy for you" Christina smiles
We all have a group hug. I can't believe it's taken them this long to finally be a thing, I knew they liked each other from the first day I introduced them
Authors Note;
Today was horrible! I went back to school today and let me tell you it was the worst day ever! I cried I had panic attacks, ugh it was a mess

Lil Marais ⇒ Why Don't We
FanfictionMy life hasn't always been easy, having fame and money doesn't make you happy but one person who makes me happy is my big brother Jonah Mararis you might know him from Why Don't We! I know Jonah's last name isn't Marais! But everyone knows him as Jo...