Japan is a Superhero

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America: Did you know....

England: That japan is a superhero....?

Sealand: no way! Stupid but faces...Don't lie to me!

England: it's true- *starts a fire in the kitchen....again* SH*T!!!!

*epic hero music starts playing*

Japan: there is no need to fear! Twerkman is here! *breaks through a window wearing a blue and yellow body suit with a yellow cape and a big but symbol on the chest* I'll....pay for your window.....twerk powers! activate!! *puts the fire out with his awesome twerking powers*

Sealand: Gee wiz sir! That was so cool!

Japan: All in a days work, kid....twerk powers, away! *jumps through another window and lands in a bush* i'll pay for that window too.... *runs away*

England: Bloody hell....

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