Chapter 15

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"So your telling me she was just a crazy who obviously didn't know she wanted" I said looking out the window of the car.

"Ya she was something " gemma said as she pulled into the studio parking lot.

"But how have ya been feeling" gemma asked pulling into a parking spot

"Good" I said answering the question for the thousandth time today.

We got out the car and headed in side.

We cleaned for while there where a few people helping but the ended up leaving around 3:30. we had almost all the cleaning done we just had to sweep and throw out garbage. gemma was sweeping I took a sip of my drink and watched her she looked like she was thinking about something.

"Gemma what's up" I asked leaning against the wall. she continued.

"Are you ok with Jax life style" she asked looking up at me. I honestly didn't know the answer to that one. at this point feelings were getting mixed up with my job.... and that's never what I wanted....

"Gemma my entensions are not to take Jax away from what he loves"

"What are your entensions then" she asked. I didn't answer if I answerd honestly..... well I couldn't answer honestly

"I don't know" I said looking down at my glass.

"Do you not trust me" I asked.

"Trust has to be earned" she said finishing up. gemma walked over to the garbage when the main door came flying open and a whole bunch of cops came rushing in.... my and gemma both out are hands up.

"Get down on the ground" a cop yelled. we did as we were told but it took gemma a bit longer then me.

"What the fuck is going on" gemma said. as stalh walked in.


She walked in front of us.

"I have a warrant to search this building" she said holding up papers

"For what, there's nothing here" gemma said

"We don't even own the place" I played along cause I Ed so very confused to what was going on

"No sweetheart but Jax teller dose" she said smirking at me....

One cop came in to the room holding a box he handed it to stahl. she opened it and picked multiple baggies.


"This is what I'm looking for" she said smiling.

"Get them up" stahl said leaving

"You can't take us you have no evidence saying that we were even involved with the drugs... as far as you know we came to clean" gemma said.

"Ya were not taking you in gemma where taking this little one..last time I checked she worked she could have taken them before" stahl said grabbing me by my hands that are cuffed behind my back. gemma was let out of her bad cuffs she rubbed her wrist.

"You have the right to remane sigh lent anything and everything you say with be used against you.." A cop started reading my meranda rights.

I'm so confused..whats going on, no warning or was the real thing? was I actually going to jail or maybe they got there case and don't need me....

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