Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

“So, she liked it?” I asked my best friend. Elliot was smiling like an idiot and he’s starting to get creepy.

“It went well. She was really happy about it. Thanks again, by the way.” He said, grinning from ear to ear.

“Anytime, bro. Just remember to never piss off a lady,” I said. He chuckled cutely at my comment and continued to drink his coffee.

We were hanging out at Allan’s Coffee Shop and Elliot was currently telling me how his date went well. I just kept nodding and pretending to listen to what happened. I’m really interested at what his telling me, like he hasn’t told the story over and over for last hour. I was just happy that Valentine’s Day was over.

It was really stressful to actually set up the date. I had to buy the food and Elliot gave me the list of Skylar’s favourite pastries from Allan’s. She liked a lot of the pastries and Elliot asked me to get all of the food that he listed. So I had to carry about ten boxes of pastries and a lot of coffee from the coffee shop to the park where Elliot set up the whole date. I was glad I had my pickup truck with me or I had to take the cab and most probably spilled or ruined all of the food and coffees I carried. I was glad Elliot paid for everything. I could never afford that much food in one day. I was really surprised to find out that they did finish the food. Elliot was fairly thin and he did eat a lot.

“Thanks for everything again, Ash, you said my arse again.” Elliot said, cutting my train of thoughts.

I just nodded and drank my frappe. “I’ll make it up to you; I promise my arse I’ll do you an amazing favour.” He said, raising his hand and motioning it to his butt.

“Idiot, but I am up for that,” I said. He laughed and I heard his phone’s ringtone. I recognised the Ed Sheeran song and realised its Sky who’s calling. Elliot pulled out his phone and read the message.

“Oh, I got to go. Skylar needs my help for something. See you soon?” He asked, standing up and grabbing his coffee.

“Yeah. Good luck with Sky. See you at uni.” I said and waved at him goodbye. He waved back and I watched him disappear out of the coffee shop.

I sighed and grabbed my notebook. I flipped through it and found pages of my messy handwriting. All of the pages consisted of doodles and Elliot’s name. I pity myself for being a hopeless romantic. It sucks really, to be friend zoned. I’ve liked Elliot since we were twelve. He never really noticed me; he only noticed ‘hot’ girls and he considered me as a sister. So I never really tried, since I knew he’d prefer other people over me. Always has and always will be. Even when we started college at the same uni, he still treated me as my sister. Then he found Skylar. Skylar was the definition of pretty. She was a volleyball player and she was really good at it. I wasn’t athletic -besides track- and Elliot never let me forget that. He noticed her when we started our first term at uni. He was absolutely whipped and it was ridiculous. For some weird reason, Skylar and I became friends and Elliot was really happy about it. Next thing I knew, all of us three hung out. I knew Skylar felt nothing for Elliot at that time. And as bad as it sounds, I was relieved.

Then one day, Sky told me she fancied Elliot and she asked me if he felt the same way. I knew I had the chance to tell her Elliot felt nothing about her and I could have him. Unfortunately, my conscience didn’t allow me to. I told her yes and they went out. I was left out so I stopped hanging out with them.

I didn’t talk to them for about two months and I always avoided them. Elliot didn’t notice I was ignoring him but Sky did. I couldn’t handle my own broken heart that’s why I avoided them.

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