Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

“Time to waaaaake up! Get up Ashie pants!” I heard my best friend scream. I groaned in response and chucked the nearest thing to me, which was my stuffed dog.

“Ouch- hey! It’s Monday! Time to wake up!” she shouted once more and I groaned but squinted my eyes.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was freaking four in the morning and Anne was waking me up.

I glared at her grinning face, “Why are you waking me up at four in the morning?”

“Because!” she said and I groaned at her.

“Because what?” I asked annoyed. I was finally falling asleep and Anne ruined it. I was struggling to sleep because of yesterday’s events.

I and Gale had stayed in the café for hours on end, until Joe’s daughter had to ask us to leave, a gigantic smile on her face. We had stayed there, telling stories about each other and laughing at our weird antics. When we left the café, we just wandered around the dimly lit streets, hand in hand. He had walked me to my dorm and he gave a very awkward yet adorable good-bye.

“Because you hadn’t told me anything about your day with Gale!” she said a slight pout on her lips, Anne’s word cutting off my thoughts.

I blushed at her words and buried my head in my pillow. She giggled at me and felt her fingers play with my hair.

“You just walked in the dead of the night, with a creepy smile and expect me not to question the next day? I thought you knew me better, love,” Anne said with a witty smirk.

She was enjoying this and I knew it. Waking me up early in the morning was part of it, as I am the most- less coordinated and composed in the morning. I just vomit everything that’s in my mind and I’ve said pretty stupid stuff that a drunk would say.

“Uh…” I trailed off awkwardly. Anne was staring at me with a knowing look and I looked around everywhere besides her gaze. I felt like I could easily crumble under her eyes.

“Well?” she said and her smirk turned into a grin. I could feel her inner fangirl coming out and I didn’t want to hear screaming this early in the morning.

“We just… talked, I guess…” I said and she stared at me, trying to provoke an answer from me.

“About what?” she asked and her smile started getting mischievous.

“About… things…” I said, trying to find the exact words to describe what we talked about.

“Oh, c’mon, I know you guys talked a lot of things if you came back that late at night.” Anne said, and I felt my cheeks go warm.

“We just walked around and talked, I swear,” I said and raise my hands in the air. I was telling the truth, we just talked.

Anne pouted, “Fine, if you’re not ready to talk about it.”

I sighed in relief and Anne stood up. She threw me a pair of jeans and my hoodie. I looked at her confused and she said that we’ll be having breakfast with Keith and she had walked away blushing. I shook my head at her, they’ve been dating so long and she’s still embarrassed about mentioning Keith.

I grabbed the clothes she threw me and proceeded inside the bathroom. I took a shower and changed into my jeans and hoodie.

“Let’s goooooooo!” she said once I exited the bathroom and she practically dragged me out of the dorm, my bag balancing on my shoulder.


“We’re here!” she said grinning at the sign of the breakfast diner two blocks from uni.

I groaned, it was five in the morning now and the place was empty other than a creepy guy in the corner of the diner. We entered and found Keith sitting at an empty booth, his face against the glass. He was with someone.

My breath hitched in my throat. Gale. He was with Keith, running his fingers through his chocolate brown hair. He looked amazing in a hoodie.

Anne giggled and practically ran to the booth and Keith simultaneously stood up, catching her in his arms (as cheesy as that sounds, it was true). And Anne left me standing alone like an idiot.

“Morning,” I heard a raspy voice and I looked behind me, finding Gale smiling lazily. He looked adorable.

I blushed as I remembered last night and saw Gale grin, his gaze on my hoodie.

“Potterhead?” he said and I noticed that I was wearing my Hogwarts hoodie that I bought online.

I blushed, “Uh- yeah. But- yeah- I got it-“

“It looks cute on you,” he said cutting me off. He took a step forward and kissed me on my cheek.

I stood in shock, trying to calm my breathing. His lips were pressed against my warm skin and his hand intertwining with mine. He pulled away and smiled at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling in that cute way and he guided me to a separate booth, away from Anne and Keith, who were in a world of their own.

We sat down, me beside him like in the café yesterday, our backs to Anne and Keith. He didn’t let go of my hand but I wasn’t complaining. It was cold and his hand is warm.

We sat in silence, hand in hand. I involuntarily leaned into his shoulder, a habit that I’ve gotten used to. I felt him chuckle and I closed my eyes, savouring the moment. I felt him brush his thumb across my cheeks, the touch sending the butterflies in my stomach crazy. He smelled like mint.

He started to hum and I instantly recognised the song, “Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol?” I said, the words rolling of my tongue before I even thought about it.

I felt him nod and he began another tune. “Stay by Mayday Parade?” I asked, my favourite song instantly coming to mind.

“Yeah, they’re really good,” he said and I hummed in agreement. I love Mayday Parade.

“Can I take your order?” an elderly lady approached us, she smiled once she saw us.

“Uhm, two orders of chocolate pancakes and coffee, please,” Gale said and the lady wrote down our orders.

She walked away and I started to feel my eyes droop.

“I feel sleepy,” I whined, pouting my lips. I sounded like a child.

Gale chuckled at me and brushed his nose against my cheek, the action causing my cheeks to redden.

“You sound so adorable,” he said, his breath tickling my skin. He kissed my cheek again and I felt my heartbeat quicken, my thoughts all messed up.

It was early in the morning and I didn’t have a filter in my brain and Gale was distracting me further. I’m seriously in trouble.

Gale brushed his thumb on my cheek and he had that goofy grin of his.

“Did you sleep well last night?” he asked, leaning his head on the top of mine.

“Uh- I guess…” I trailed off, his actions taking my attention.

“I didn’t,” he whispered and I looked up at him. He looked at me, an unreadable expression on his face. His eyes held an intense gaze and I couldn’t look away.

“Why?” I blurted out. He connected our foreheads together, my breath hitching in my throat. His nose nudged mine and his beautiful grey eyes staring into mine.

A smile appeared on his face, “Someone kept me awake all night,”

“Who?” I asked, my heart rate beating faster and my mind going crazy.

I fluttered my eyes close and opened them again. He chuckled at me and kissed the corner of my mouth

“Someone named Ash Jensen. The most beautiful and adorable girl that I ever met,” he said, his mouth forming into a grin.

My heart was out of control and my stomach was full of butterflies. Oh my holy cats, what is he doing to me?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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