Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Two hours later, I was walking beside Gale on our way to nowhere in particular. I finished my volunteer work and Gale started strolling in complete silence, so I followed.

I tried my best to block out the events that had happened in the previous night. But every glance that Gale gave me made it hard not to remember it.

“So, you work at a shelter?” He asked and I nodded.

“Volunteer work, so I don’t get any profit from it,” I said and he glanced back at me. He had a curious look on his face but he was still smiling.

“That’s good. Must be a fun job,” He said and I nodded again.

We went back into a comfortable silence again and we just walked. Gale seemed to know where he was going so I just followed suit.

Few minutes of walking, we stopped at what seemed to be a park, but you had to take a second look to make sure you weren’t hallucinating. It wasn’t a normal looking park; it had a fountain in the middle, but it was covered in moss and there were benches scattered around but the wood was slightly scratched. The whole area was hidden with trees and flowering bushes. It was a beautiful park yet it was abandoned.

“How do you know about this?” I asked and walked to the old fountain. The moss was covered in a light sprinkle of snow and the inside of the fountain had old green water in it with small lily pads.

“I found it a few weeks ago. I was going for a run and ended up here.” He said and sat on one of the old benches.

He looked up at the sky, like he did the previous night and he sighed. I followed his gaze and found that the clouds were covering the whole sky, unlike last night.

I sat beside him and he looked back at me. He had a grin on and he was staring at something.

“What are you looking at?” I asked and he smiled wider.

“Nothing,” he said and I insisted more. He kept shaking his head and I started to get really curious.

“What it is? C’mon, please,” I said and he started chuckling.

“You’re wearing my scarf and beanie,” he said, cracking a smile.

I blushed; I didn’t notice that I was still wearing it. God, this is so weird and embarrassing.

“Uh, yeah, uh it was cold and yeah, I needed-“

“It’s fine. You look adorable in it.” He said, cutting me off.

I blushed redder and he chuckled, brushing his thumb on the apple of my cheeks, causing my eyes to flutter close at his warm touch. I opened my eyes and found him staring at me, his face unreadable.

“Your cheeks are warm,” he said and he smiled at me.

I was seriously as red as a tomato when he said that. He kept saying things that caused me to feel weird reactions. I wasn’t used to how I was reacting to whatever he does.

I stared at my hands and rubbed them together, trying to warm them up. I felt Gale’s stare at the side of my face so I looked up at him and he was just staring. He didn’t have his usual smile on, he was just staring.

I didn’t say anything; I just stared back, trying to read his eyes. He had breath-taking grey eyes, almost too perfect, its mesmerizing how grey it was.

He smiled and looked back up at the sky. I didn’t know why I wasn’t talking. I could talk about books but I don’t know if he’ll listen or not. I could talk about uni but I don’t know if he’s interested in talking about his career. I could ask him about his friends but I’m afraid it might be too personal. I could talk about football but I didn’t know if he’ll engage in the subject or not.

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