Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

“You should just put your hair up,” my best friend said, twisting and pulling my hair in different directions.

“I like it down, and besides, my hair might scare him off,” I said, referring to my dip-dyed hair. I had dyed my hair a hot pink because of a bet between me and Brent during my first year. I lost and I had to let him dye my hair anyway he wanted. He did a fairly great job and I had only one week and I could remove the dye. I thought it looked good on me so I just left my hair dyed.

“Stop saying things like that, he’ll obviously like you,” Anne said, smiling at me through the mirror.

I sighed, quite annoyed because Elliot just had to talk me into this. “Let’s just hope not,”

It was the day of the date and Anne was ‘helping me get ready’, which means she’ll try to talk me into wearing something girly that she owns. I was extremely moody already because Elliot told the whole football team-almost all of them are my friends- and all of them have been sending me texts, ‘wishing me luck’. The text that I actually laughed at was Brent’s which said: “Hope you don’t end up killing someone. I offer my sympathies for the guy.” I laughed at that for a good ten minutes; he’s the only person who hasn’t annoyed me at all today.

“Oh c’mon, don’t be a sour puss. It’s your first date that isn’t fictional,” she said, opening my closet and pulling out clothes that she liked.

“I’m not being a sour ‘puss’. Elliot’s being a spoiled child; he just won’t stop until I agree.” I said, very annoyed at the fact that Eliot had talked me into this.

“You know, this will be cute with heels,” she said, grabbing a dress and I shuddered at her. She rolled her eyes and hung the dress back into my closet, hopefully deep in my closet.

“He’s at least done something right,” Anne said and I just laughed.

“Yeah, making me go on a date is something right to do,” I said and Anne glanced back at me.

“I honestly like the idea of you going out with someone. Maybe it’ll help you get over Elliot.” She said. Maybe, I said to myself. I didn’t want to make Anne upset because I knew she was worried for me. I haven’t been out with other people for a long time.

“Here!” Anne exclaimed, throwing multiple articles of clothing at my face.

I lifted up the fabric she threw and saw it was decent enough for me. I shrugged and proceeded to the bathroom. I took a shower and threw on the clothes Anne gave me.

I exited the bathroom and Anne squealed when she saw me, “You look so cute. I could just die of feels that you’re going to a date. I wish I could stalk you there. But that’s your profession.” She said and I smiled.

I wore my combat boots and grabbed my coat and purse, probably the most girly thing I’ve said.

“I’m going now,” I said and Anne gave me a tight hug and said that I should have fun and make sure I don’t get arrested.

“No promises!” I shouted over my shoulders and I went out of the dorm.

I texted Elliot asking him where he was and he said I should head to Allan’s and wait there. I shrugged and proceeded to very slowly walk. I was going to take my sweet time because I might make the guy impatient and he’ll leave early. I know I was being unfair and stubborn but I never wanted to go on this date in the first place. I was literally forced into this because Elliot felt in debt of me. He thinks that I going on a date will actually pay what I had done for him. Treating me to ice cream would be better but he thinks I should go on a date because it would also, do me well, like going on dates were healthy. Personally I think going on dates is unhealthy because it gives you stress to decide what you’re going to wear and what you’re makeup should be. You’re going to stress about how the date will go and if you’re going to make a fool of yourself. Basically, going on dates isn’t healthy because you’re stressing yourself out. You should just stay in a stalker relationship with celebrities and fictional characters. Life would be much easier, but no, Elliot just has to set me up on dates than asking me if sticking to my fictional character and stalking-celebrity relationship is enough for me, which is.

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