Art Of Realization

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- You don't realize how closed off you've become until you start to open your heart back up. You don't realize how empty it is to be selfish until you start to be selfless again. Friends, family, loved ones, they all need your love, connection and participation in thier lives. This entire summer I retreated into my cave after a long time and it took some much needed time to myself but it started to take a toll on me. Most things are fine in moderation but after a while everything gets old. Life is best when shared with others. Love needs to expressed in order for it to thrive and grow. You can only do so much on your own. I'm so glad I woke up and decided to starting slowly to share myself with friends and family after a long while of shutting myself out of them. Sometimes we need to close up a little to heal wounds but don't get caught in that *comfort zone* of isolation. I'd rather be burned alive than freeze to death by frozen, lonely heart. And now i feel like Elsa HAHA, But yeah. I highly recommand taking a second to evaluate how connected u feel to your family and friends, how well your close relationships are or aren't doing and how much you are putting into the people u care about most. It is easy to hide but it is so much rewarding to share.✨✨

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