Chapter 15

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All it took was one word. Two letters, one syllable. All he had to say was one simple word, and my body erupted in tingles, feelings for him flowing through my veins like electricity. It was like the bond had been muted whilst we were apart, but the feelings and emotions I'm feeling towards him right now, right in this second, makes me regret everything.

I try to find it within myself to keep hating him for how he's acted, I want to dislike him for the way he's trashed the house. But I can't. I can't find any resolve left in me because the bond has just sucked it right out of my heart with a straw, all because of one goddamn word.

I'm standing in front of him, my hand clutching the door frame as I watch his face crumble in front of me. His cold persona has slipped from his body, leaving a vulnerable alpha that doesn't know what to do.

I don't even know what to do.

I want to turn away, let him know that I came back but I'm not ready to talk to him, because less than two hours ago I was hell bent on staying at my parents house and watching reruns of friends until I wanted to come home.

Home to him.

"Hi." I reply to him quietly and watch as his body slumps with relief. It's the safest thing to say, one that doesn't make me feel like I'm giving him too much, yet I'm not ignoring him. My head is getting thicker by the second, making my vision cloudy, the wolfsbane in the air making breathing too difficult. "I can't be in here..."

I step back from the door and head towards the window to the left, a beautiful stained glass of a wolf that happily he hasn't smashed. I lift the lever and open it, letting much needed fresh air invade my nostrils and get rid of the wolfsmoke in the house.

I hear a chair explode backwards and whip around, seeing Kaden throw himself out of the door, a wild look of panic on his face, his head shaking violently and his body swaying. I know that he's drunk, just by looking at the way he's tripping over his own feet.

He hasn't looked my way yet and just from standing behind him I can tell he's falling apart. He runs his hands through his hair, muttering how much he's "fvcked up" and how much he needs to "make things right."

He then proceeds to collapse onto the floor, and do something I'd never believe he could do.

He starts to cry. Violently.

His shoulders are jolting up and down rapidly, his face buried into his hand as he releases the most heart wrenching sobs I've ever heard. More than when my mother found out she'd miscarried when I was 8.

I can still remember the sounds of hers and father's cries as Otis told them what had happened. I can still remember how it happened. I was sat in my bedroom, playing with a doll I'd gotten for my birthday when I heard a massive bang. I'd ran out to see my mum had fallen down the stairs and blood was flowing down her legs like a waterfall.

She didn't even have to ask me, because I screamed for Otis as loud as I could, running straight past her and out the door, begging for someone to help. I hadn't connected with Shiva at this point so I couldn't mind link him, so I needed to find someone who could.

My mum was in too much pain to do it herself, and eventually Lyle came out of woods near to the training grounds after he heard my screams, and immediately contacted our pack doctor.

Kaden's crying reminds me of how broken my dad sounded, the heartbreak of his son being taken from him so close to him being welcomed to our world.

Possessive Alpha Kaden ✔️Where stories live. Discover now