Chapter 19

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(Btw this chapter is a lil bit hot n heavy towards the end, read at your own risk ppl)

Also song is highly appropriate 😏


I feel like utter shît.

I'm not exaggerating either. Usually, a common occurrence for myself is to drag the pain from a minor headache all the way onto the opposite end of a pain spectrum to that of being shot in the head.

I used to do it a lot when I was younger to get out of going to school or training, especially when my dad was attempting to raise my low fitness levels to that of the strongest pack warrior. He was relentless and his training was gruelling, so I would be 'ill' at least twice every fortnight just so my body could get a break.

But this is the worst pain I've ever felt, and that I assure you I'm not faking it.

It's not the kind of pain you feel when you break a bone, that dull throbbing ache that is around twenty-four seven, and whenever you move it wrong the pain flares again for a few seconds. This feels like my head is literally about to explode. It feels thick and stuffy like I have a head cold, except my cold is on fire and a bomb is actually ticking inside my head.

My joints are also stiffer than boards, and moving them is a painful struggle. My legs especially, it's sore just to twitch them, but I have a feeling the training regime Kaden has had me on these past few days is contributing to that.

Ever since we moved into the new house situated in the centre of the towns largest cul-de-sac two weeks ago, he's been helping me get my fitness levels back up using the gym that's in the basement. I think he's felt bad that we've spent so much time trying to make ourselves work as mates that we forgot about the important things, like Work and training.

We were doing legs and fighting techniques yesterday, and even my father didn't push me so hard. I did savour the little breaks we managed to sneak, the occasional kiss pressed up against one of the machines or the handsy grab he'd take at random moments.

Since what happened two weeks ago in the gym, we've barely been able to keep our hands off each other. Whether it's just him touching my thigh when we're in the car, or holding hands under the table at pack meeting. Evening have also been very enjoyable, if you catch my drift.

We haven't sealed the mate bond yet, but there are other things one can do for fun. So I completely blame him for my stiff body.

I can also blame my complete exhaustion on him overworking me. Every time I try open my eyes, fatigue has them fluttering shut. I keep coming in and out of consciousness, each time I awake, I feel more tired than the last time.

The only reason I kept working at such a high level was because he kept rewarding me with toe curling kisses with every correct punch, and extra long breaks where we made out every time I managed to take him out during sparring.

One thing I can't blame Kaden for is my headache, because no matter how many Tylenol or paracetamol I scarf down, it's never enough to relieve the jolting pain that shoots around my brain cells.

Sophia reckons it's the stress of everything that's happened recently. I heard Kaden speaking to her worriedly on the phone last night when it first kicked in, and again this morning. He's been quite worried about me, and it took a lot of convincing on my part before I sent him off to work, promising to call him if it gets worse.

He hasn't been keeping up with his pack duties as of recently, and I know the pack has been trying super hard to continue functioning, but there is only so much they can do without him.

Possessive Alpha Kaden ✔️Where stories live. Discover now