1. A roommate?

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I sit alone in the cafeteria sipping from my juice box. It makes a loud noise, notifying me that there is barely any left. I sigh and place it on my table and begin looking around. I adjust the hood of my hoodie slightly so I can see my surroundings. Every table seems to be full of people, friends. The ones that stand out the most are the ones with the popular kids. In our school there are two groups of popular kids and then the rest are either semi-popular, neutral and then the nerds. The two popular groups are the Akatski and then Naruto's group. The Akatsuki members are Zetsu, Itachi, Tobi, Kisame, Hidan, Kakuzu, Konan, Deidara, Sasori and their leader Pein. The the other group is Sakura, Tenten, Hinata, Ino, Sai, Shino, Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, Lee, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro and their leaders Naruto and Sasuke. I remember being popular, everyone would treat me like a queen. The boys would do anything I say and be happy about. Anything I touched would be considered gold, people acted like this everyday and I had no idea why. I was human just like everybody else, why single me out?

The bell rang and I stood up, slipping my lunch box into my bag. I then grabbed my empty juice box and dropped it in the bin on the way to class. I wanted to get there early so I could get my regular seat in the back. While walking down the halls I saw a group of boys I had never seen before. There were two taller ones and two shorter. The first tall one had straight brown hair and a friendly looking face, the other had long spiky black hair and an emotionless face. One of the shorter ones had short spiky black hair and a mischief face while the other had silver hair, red markings on his face and an expressionless look like the tall black haired one. My eyes met with the silver haired boy, I could clearly see him but he couldn't see me. I always kept my hood up, it was a barricade from people so they wouldn't invite themselves over. I didn't want to talk to anyone and everyone knew that.

I got to class and sat in the back, our teacher Mr. Hatake was already in there. He looked up at me for a brief second and then back down at his book. He though we didn't know what his books were about but in reality we did. Once someone stole his book and read some of it, apparently it was really dirty, something that would be classified as erotica. The second bell went and people actually started coming into class. I remembered that silver haired boy for some reason, what was so interesting about him. He was pretty attractive so the fan girls would go crazy over him, but why was he on my mind.

I had been thinking so deeply that I didn't hear anything our teacher was saying. All I heard was something about new students in our class. I looked up and watched as the silver haired boy and the smaller black haired boy walked into the room. "These are two are new students at our school and I hope you treat them respectfully, please introduced yourselves", Mr Hatake says with a closed eye smile. The black haired boy spoke first. "Hi my name is Izuna Uchiha and me and my older brother Madara just moved here from Iwagakure", he says with a cheeky smile, sending a wink to a girl in the front row. (A/n: Sorry I know they aren't from Iwa but I have no idea where else they could be from and they can't move to Konaha if they already live there). Next it was the silver haired one. "I am Tobirama Senju, my brother Hashirama and  also moved from Iwagakure".

I looked around and noticed that the girls in my class had love hearts instead of pupils. All of these fan girls are making me sick. "Now we are sorry that you are unable to sit together because you two know each other, if you had come earlier we might've been able to swap places with people but its a bit late so Izuna please sit next to Naruto and Tobirama you can sit next to... (Y/n)". I heard someone gasp and people started whispering. "I feel so sorry for him". "Yeah he has to sit next to her". "She has no friends, no one likes her". I would sigh but I didn't want anyone to hear me. In the corner of my eye I watched as Tobirama took the seat next to me, I would prefer him to anyone else. He seemed quiet, emotionless, nothing I would get attached to. "Alright lets begin the lesson". I slouch in my desk and pull out my journal, where I write my own manga.

Better off Alone (Tobirama x reader: Modern)Where stories live. Discover now