10. Here if you need to talk

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Tobirama's POV

I woke to the sound of a phone going off, but I didn't recognize the ringtone. I got out of bed and walked out into the living room. On the coffee table was (Y/n)'s phone and it was going off. I could hear the shower going so she must not of heard it and left it out here when she got in. I wasn't quite sure if I was supposed to answer it or not. In the end I decided to take the risk, I could at least let them know that (Y/n) was busy and that they should call back later. I picked it up and answered the call, holding it up to my ear.

Tb- Tobirama Tr- Tora

Tb- Hello?
Tr- Hey is (Y/n) there?
Tb- Sorry she's in the shower right now
Tr- Anyway who's speaking?
Tb- Oh I'm (Y/n)'s room mate, Tobirama
Tr- Well I'm her older brother, I hope she isn't bothering you too much
Tb- Oh no its been fine so far
Tr- She hasn't tried making pancakes in her underwear, has she? *chuckle*
Tb- No not yet, I heard you talking about that with her a couple of days ago
Tr- Yeah she usually talks to me on speaker phone so she can draw at the same time
Tb- Hey can I ask you something?
Tr- Sure, what do you wanna know?
Tb- Well the other day (Y/n) was in the arcade playing DDR with some girl who was crying
Tr- Wow she actually played it again... its been three years *sigh*
Tb- Three years since what?
Tr- Its better if she tells you, but don't try and force it out of her
Tb- Ok then well it was nice to talk to you
Tr- Yes you too, see ya
Tb- Bye

I hung up and sigh, leaning back in my seat. The bathroom door opens and (Y/n) walks out with a towel wrapped around her. "You're actually up this morning", she giggles. I blush and nod. "Your phone was going up so I picked up for you, it was your brother". "Oh, did he say why he called?", you asked. I shook my head. "No, we just talked about what its like to live with you". He noticed your entire face turn red. "He didn't say anything about the pancakes, did he?". I smirk. "He did say you used to make pancakes in your underwear", I chuckle. She pouts and crosses her arms. "Well I won't do it because you're living here now, but please don't tell anyone else". I nod. "I promise". She gives me a satisfied smile and walks into her room to get ready.


School was as it was every other day but after the meeting of my new room mate she became the main topic of our conversations. I was sitting in between Izuna and Hashirama again. "Hey Tobirama, does (F/n) have a boyfriend?", Kiba asks, his cheeks tinted pink. I shake my head. "No she doesn't". "Do you have her number?", Naruto asks. "Yeah I do but if you want it then you're gonna have to get it from her". Most of the boys at our table let out sighs. "What a drag, it would've been easier to ask her out that way", Shikamaru says, leaning back in his seat. "How do you even know she would say yes to you?", Sasuke smirked. "(Y/n) is very pretty, she probably has boys asking her out everyday", Sai adds. Ino and Sakura scoff. "Why are you talking about her?", Ino asks with a scowl. "Yeah, I bet she's a whore", Sakura says matter-of-factually. The boys glare at the blonde and pink haired girls. "Don't talk about her like that", Naruto argues. "N-Naruto is right, y-you don't know her, she i-is probably really nice", Hinata says quietly yet loud enough to be heard. Gaara glares at the two bitching girls, sending unpleasant shivers down their spines. "You shouldn't be so judgemental of her, you don't even know her", he says. The girls turn their faces away and scoff. "You guys just don't get it". Both of them got up and walked away together. I looked over at (Y/n), she was drawing in her journal again. I could see her small smile beneath her hood, she looked so happy. Suddenly Ino and Sakura walked past pushing her food off the table and onto the ground. Her smile turned into a frown and she knelt down on the ground picking up the food. I wanted to go over to help her but I remember what she told me. She doesn't want attention, so I won't give any of it to her at school. "That was uncalled for", Gaara says, watching (Y/n) pick up her food. "Why are you standing up for her?", Shikamaru asks. "You got a crush on the freak or something?". Gaara glares at him and rests his cheek in his hand. "I couldn't really care but why would they do that to her?". "Because they think they have all the power and control", Sasuke says, monotonously. "Its easy to pick on someone like that because they don't fight back". I look over at (Y/n) and see her sigh and tip all her food in the bin, everything was ruined and dirty now. The bell rings and I get up from my seat, heading to my next class.

Your POV

You could hear the conversation at Tobirama's table. It was about you, or the fake you. You sigh and pull out your journal, beginning to draw. It made you feel happy, a smile automatically graced your lips. But it left a few seconds later when Ino purposefully knocked your food onto the ground, ruining it all. You frowned and looked down at your ruined food, you didn't bring any extra money today so you couldn't replace it. You sigh and kneel down, cleaning it up. When the food was cleared up you put all in the bin and headed to class, the bell ringing as you walk through the doors. Mr Hatake looks up from his book and stands up, blocking your path. "(Y/n)", he says calmly. You look up and meet his one visible eye. "Yes", you reply. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it, I've gone through the same thing when I was young and I want you to know that I'm here if you need anyone to talk to". You nod. "I'm sorry for yesterday", you say quietly. He chuckles and places his hand on your hooded head. "Its fine, I should be the one apologizing, I was pressuring you into talking". He moves out of your way and sits back in his desk, sending you a closed eye smile.

You made your way to your desk and sat down. A few minutes later the other students walked in, taking their seats as they did every other day. Tobirama sat next to you as always and you noticed two people glaring at you. You looked over and saw Ino and Sakura sending you the deadliest of glares. You looked at them but since you were wearing your hood up they couldn't see you looking at them. Tobirama taps you on the shoulder and holds out his closed hand. You hold out your hand and he puts some money in it. "What's this for?", you ask. "They ruined your lunch and you don't money to school". You blush beneath your hood and force the money back into his hand. "I-I can't take this". He puts it back in your hand and sends you a genuine smile. There was something about his smile that was strange. You had never seen him smile at other people, he only seemed to smile at you. This made your cheeks turn redder then red. "Hey are you Ok?", he asks. You nod and turn to the front. "Thank you for the money, I'll pay you back later". He shakes his head. "You don't owe me anything". You looked over and see Ino with her hand up. "Yes Ino?", Mr Hatake asks. "I need to go to the bathroom". The teacher lets her go and five minutes later Sakura puts her hand up and asks for the same thing. I couldn't help but be suspicious. What were those girls planning?

With Ino and Sakura

Ino was leaning over the sink popping a pimple on her forehead when Sakura came in. "God you took your time", Ino exclaims sending the pinkette a glare. Sakura scoffs and leans her back against a graffiti covered wall. "What did you want to talk about?", she asks. "Well two people that are stealing my man away". Sakura raises an eyebrow. "Who are they?". "The first is his room mate, the cafe slut and the second is that hooded freak who he sits next to in math", Ino says with a scowl. "You think that the freak could steal him?", Sakura asks. "She's probably a witch and has him under her spell". "Why do you even think she likes him and can even get him?", Sakura asks. "Well he gave her money to replace her lunch and smiled at her, he fucking smiled at her. I want him to smile at me not that freak!", she yells. Her screeches echo, bouncing off the walls of the bathroom. Sakura pulls out her phone and sighs. "We better get back to class or we'll get in trouble". Ino nods and grabs her friends wrist before she can leave. "Come to my house this weekend and we will see if we can dig up some dirt about them". The pinkette nods and sends her friend a smirk. "If anyone is gonna try and get your man they are in for a treat".

If you didn't already know it Sakura and Ino are the bitches of the this story. I'm sorry to any Sakura fans out there, I'm not a Sakura hater but I hate her being shipped with my favorite character... it just makes me gag. Like please no KisaSaku or ItaSaku... just no. The only Sakura ship I except is SasuSaku. Sorry for my rant, you are entitled to your own opinion and don't get cut. I mean I didn't call Sakura useless or anything and at the end of Naruto Shippuden she is pretty helpful... when she isn't screaming for Naruto or Sasuke to help her. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD


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