17. Not alone anymore

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Your POV

I awoke feeling a tingling sensation on my forehead. I reached up and touched it only to find nothing. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, surprisingly I wasn't crying. I get up and walk over to my desk, picking up my journal. I open the first page and smile. It was a picture I had drawn as the cover of the manga I had been writing. There were five people on the cover, posing like super heroes. Tora, the shape shifter. Shadow, the ninja. Ivy, the plant manipulator. Sky, the only one of them that could fly and finally there was (Y/n). With the ability to read minds. And together they fought evil, having each others backs every step of the way. But the problem with (Y/n) was that she wasn't strong enough to fight on her own. She wasn't a fighter at all and all she was good for was gathering information. Without any of her other team members she was weak. I reach down and run my fingers over the lines of the drawing. There is a sudden knock at my door and the journal falls to the ground. The door opens and Tobirama pokes his head in. "I made breakfast if you want some". I nod and send him a happy smile. "Thank you, I'll be out in a moment". He smiles back and leaves, closing the door behind him. I look down at the ground and see the my journal laying open on the ground. I pick it up and begin to read the text at the top.

'No matter how hard one can try they may never reach there goal. But that doesn't stop people from trying. No one will ever except us but we will continue to fight. I may be the weakest of us all but I will hold us together and we will win. When you have others in your life you will always win... no matter how difficult things get I will never give up. For I have the power of love on my side'

I look down at the character who spoke that. Her name... (Y/n). My heart broke as I suddenly realized it. I pushed everyone I love away and now I have no one. Tears threatened to fall but this time I wouldn't let them, the time for crying was over. I may have lost everything, but that won't stop me from trying again.


Tobirama took a seat in the middle of the bus and this time... this time I took a seat right next to him. He turned to me and raised his eyebrow. "What are you doing? People will see us", he whispers. You shake your head. "I don't care about that, you're my friend and I want to sit with you". His eyes widen and his shocked face turns to one of happiness. "But will you take your hood off?', he asks. I freeze and look down at the ground. "I'm not too sure yet". I fidget with my thumbs, stopping when Tobirama puts his hand on mine. "Its ok, do it in your own time, you're not alone anymore". Heat rises to my cheeks and the same happen to him. He quickly pulls his hand away and rubs the back of his neck. It was so strange to see Tobirama this happy, normally he was so emotionless, so stoic. But whenever I saw him he would smile and laugh, he would talk about his passions and the things he liked, he was a completely different person. I smile and look out the window, I can see our school, we are here. Tobirama and I stand up and get off the bus together. We walk into school, we talk, we laugh and we don't care. People look at us and they judge but I don't care, they can do as they wish, I'm finally happy, I'm not alone anymore.


I look over the tables at lunch go to my normal one. I look over and see Konan and the rest of the Akatsuki at their one. They are smiling and laughing, I want to go back. I want to but I don't want to ruin their fun. I'm happier now, I'm actually smiling beneath this hood. I sit at my normal table and then notice someone sit next to me. I turn and see Tobirama smiling at me. "How was class?', he asks. I giggle and shrug my shoulders. "It was alright, I had art and then English, nothing too extravagant". He nods and opens his bag pulling out two drinks. He hands one to you. "You didn't have to get me anything", you say. He shakes his head. "No just take it, lets just say its a birthday present". You sigh and take it from him, sending him a thankful smile.

Across the room at Naruto's table

"I didn't know Tobirama was friends with the freak", Shikamaru says boredly. Hashirama looks over at his brother, a smile forming on his face. He had never seen his brother look so happy and it  filled him with joy. "What even makes her a freak?", Naruto asks. "Its because she's a stupid slut", Ino spits. Everyone at the table turns to her with raised eyebrows. "That's not very nice", Sai states. Ino scoffs. "That whore is taking 'my' Tobirama away from me". "Just leave him be, he seem happy", Temari says, taking a sip of her drink. Ino clenches her fist and stands up. "Come on Sakura, lets go". Sakura stands and walks off, tagging along behind Ino.

"Ugh I can't believe that whore is taking him away!", Ino screams, pulling at her hair. Sakura walks over to her friend and places her hand on her shoulder. "Ino, calm down, we'll get her ok". Ino smirks. "Yeah we'll get her".

Sorry to inform you but this story is going to be ending soon. So sorry my dudes. Idk why I called you that XD Anyway I hoped you enjoyed it, it was just for some shits and giggles. I had noticed that there weren't very many good Tobirama x reader's out there and I wanted to fill the gap. I plan on writing another in the future, I have two ideas which are both set in the Naruto universe. The first one will have the reader as Madara's younger sister and the second one you will be the body guard/ best friend of Mito (Hashirama's wife). Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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