5. Called in

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You woke up with the feeling of arms wrapped around you. Your eyes flutter open and you notice the red marked face of the Senju boy a few centimeters away from your own. Your face turns red and you quickly jump up. Tobirama stirs slightly and opens his eyes, noticing the traumatized expression on your face. "Are you Ok?", he asks. You nod. "Yeah I'm fine", you say, looking away. Suddenly your phone goes off. You reach for it on the coffee table and pick it up. 

Y- You ??- Unknown

Y- Hello?
??- Is this (Y/n) (L/n)?
Y- Yes
??- We got your application yesterday for the job in our cafe and it was very impressive
Y- Thank you
??- We would like to meet with you if that's Ok with you
Y- Yeah sure
??- Is today Ok?
Y- Yeah that would be great
??- Ok can you come in at 2pm
Y- Yes
Y- Great, we'll see you there
Y- Bye

"Who was that?", Tobirama asks. "Oh I applied for a job at a cafe yesterday and they want me to come in". Tobirama hesitated before he spoke again. "Do you mind if I come with you? I want to get out of the house and see Konaha a little bit". "Sure, I can show you around if you want". Suddenly his phone began ringing. I could hear him talking and the voice on the other end sounded a lot like Hashirama's. Tobirama hung up and sighed. "What was that about?", you ask. "My brother wants to hang out today but I said I was already hanging out with you". "You don't have to come with me if you don't want to, you can hang out with your brother". "No its quite the opposite, I don't want hang out with my brother". "Aw why's that?". "I've always hung out with him and have never made my own friends because every sees me as his brother, just another popular boy". You kind of knew how he felt, to be put on a pedestal for no reason at all. You gave him a sweet smile. "Well if we wanna walk around before the interview we should leave soon, we slept in to 10am". We both started getting ready. I had a quick shower and then he had one after me. We were ready by 10:45am and walked out of the apartment.

Tobi and I caught a bus into the shopping area town. It was a long street that most of the shops were on. First we walked to the park and then the game shop (OF FUCKING COURSE!). When it was lunch time you and Tobirama stopped in a cafe to get something to eat, he insisted to pay for you which was nice of him. But while walking around you didn't notice the attention the two of you were getting.

Akatsuki POV

Konan sighed, the boys were getting on her nerves. "Hey isn't that (Y/n)?", Hidan says. Konan sent him a glare. "What are you talking bout? She doesn't come out anymore", she growled. She felt slightly bad for directing all of her anger towards him. "No I'm fucking serious look, she's with that new boy". She turned and looked in the direction Hidan was pointing in, the others looked too. And there she was, sitting with the new boy in a cafe. The two got up and walked out of the cafe in the direction the Akatsuki were. When they were close Konan spoke. "(Y/n)", she whispered. (Y/n) turned her head and looked at the blue haired girl. "Oh h-hey Konan", she said quietly. The other Akatsuki just stood there. The new boy looked slightly confused. "We should hang out some time", Konan says, giving her a small smile. She had an unsure expression on her face. "M-maybe". She turns and walks away, the new boy trailing behind her. Konan felt the tears sting her eyes, the way her best friend could dismiss her so easily. The tears began descending down her face as she watched the two walk away. The new boy looked back, his eyes widened at the sight of the crying girl. Pein wrapped his arms around her. "I miss her", she sobbed. "We all do".

Your POV

You didn't expect to see Konan here, it felt so awkward for you. It wasn't that you didn't want to see her, you did. But you couldn't, you cut off all your ties when it happened. You sighed and kept walking away. "Hey (Y/n)?", Tobirama says. I turn to him. "Yeah". "That girl was crying". I felt my heart shatter. "K-Konan was crying?". He nods. I sigh and keep walking. "I have to go to the cafe now, you can come if you want". "If its Ok I might walk around". "Ok do you want my number?", I ask. He nods and hands me his phone. I type my number in and then give him a small smile before I walk away. Half way to cafe I feel my phone buzz. A message displays on the screen.


Good luck :)

You blushed slightly and smiled down at you phone. It was actually quite enjoyable having Tobirama there, he didn't have to be so nice to me but he was. I sighed and made my way into the cafe. I pushed the door open and smiled at the woman behind the cafe. I walk up to the counter. "Hi I applied for a job and was asked to meet someone here", I say. "Of course, follow me and I'll take you to the boss". I follow her out the back and then into a door to an office. A man stood before me, he smiled at me with his sharp teeth. He ran his fingers through his white hair before he spoke. "You must be (Y/n), welcome to the Seven swords family, I'm Mangetsu Hozuki".

Woohoo chapters for days. Hope you liked this chapter, I'm writing the next one straight after so if your reading this as soon as it comes out the next one will be out in a few hours.

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