14. Some serious talks

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Mentions things such as suicide, self harm and depression, if you are offended by such things then I recommend skipping this chapter.

I notice the bus slowing down. I look out the window again and notice that its my stop. The bus comes to a complete stop and I stand. I walk out the door and into the busy streets, its a Saturday. I walk past people, trying not to bump into anyone. Then I see it, across the street is the Konaha cafe. I walk through the open doors and pull out my phone. It was five past twelve. I look around and find him sitting in the corner reading a newspaper. I walk over to him and take a seat across from him. He looks up at me and raises an eyebrow. "Can I help you?", he asks. "You asked me to meet you here", I say bluntly. His eyes widen and he his eyes wander my facial features. "Why do you cover your face?", he asks. I cock my eyebrow. "Why do you cover yours?". He chuckles and folds his newspaper, putting it away. "Have you had lunch?", he asks. I shake my head and watch as he hands me a menu. "Pick whatever you like and a drink". You push the menu away from you. "I can't let you spend money on me". He chuckles and pushes the menu back. "Its fine, we're talking about serious stuff and I want to lighten the mood, just let me buy you something and then we can talk". You swallow the lump in your throat and give in.

I picked (food) and (drink). Kakashi just got tea and sipped it through a straw that disappeared behind his mask. I thought it was funny so I giggled. He raised an eyebrow at me and I waved it off. When we were done we sat there in silence, he looked up at me and all the background noise seemed to disappeared. "I'm going to tell you my story first and then I want you to tell me your story and how you feel". I nod and watch him as he begins. First he clears his throat and then his eyes meet mine.

"It all started when I was 12 years old. My father was a lawyer and took on a big case, defending a very wealthy man. It was a jackpot and my father was so happy about it. At the time it was just my father and I, my mother was gone and I never had any siblings. My father found out some terrible things about his client and lost the case intentionally. Unfortunately his client got very angry with this and pressured my father until he reached his limit. One day I came home from school and called out for my father. When I walked into our living room I saw him hanging from the ceiling". I gasped, it was truly horrible for something like that to happen to someone. "I'm sorry", I say quietly. He waves my apology away. "Its fine and I'm not finished so please don't interrupt". I nod and let him continue.

"I moved houses into one I could could afford by myself and lived there. Even though I was young I was trusted to live by myself with the exception of a social worker visiting once a month. Unfortunately my house happened to be in between two people who changed my life. One was a girl named Rin and the other was a boy named Obito. Rin grew a large crush on me and Obito was in love with Rin so he basically hated me. But we eventually grew into friends. They were my best friends and I loved them both. One day when the three of us were walking to school I tripped out slightly on a road and there was a car heading full speed at me. Obito pushed me about of the way and was hit by the car. I only received a scratch on the face but Obito was killed as soon as the car hit him. Rin was another story. She was being bullied and that wasn't helping with her depression. One day Rin didn't come to school so I went to her house and found her cutting herself. I managed to get her to stop but there was nothing I could do to help. The bullying was getting worse and the death of Obito wasn't helping either. One morning I came over and found her dead on the ground, she had killed herself. After that I became quiet and I refused to talk, I even refused to show my face. I always wore this mask but this gives me another reason. Everyday I feel guilty for wishing them to come back, my father, Rin and Obito".

My eyes were wide and I held my hand over my mouth, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I didn't think you were one to cry", he says, no humor evident in his voice. I wiped my eyes. "I'm sorry, it will be four years exactly tomorrow and I can't stop crying". He nods and hands me a tissue.

Once I'm cleaned up I exhale loudly. "Are you ready to tell me?", he asks. I swallow the lump in my throat and nod. "Yeah I think I'm ready".

Tobirama POV

I check my phone every few minutes just in case Hashirama has the number for me. I decide to reread our messages.

Hey can you do me a favor?

Sure, what is it little brother?

I need to get someones phone number

Ok, who is it?

Her name is Konan, I need to talk her

Is it really that important?

Yes it is, now can you please get it as soon as possible?

Of course, I'll message you when I've got it

Ok thank you

I sigh in annoyance, I've been doing this for over half an hour. Suddenly my phone buzzes and I pick it up, checking what it is. I prayed that it wasn't another false alarm and I mentally cheered when I saw it was a message from Hashirama.

Her number is (Random phone number), hope you find what you need

I quickly text him thanks and call Konan's number.

K- Konan T- Tobirama

K- Hello? Who is this?
T- My name is Tobirama, I need to ask you somethings
K- The new boy at our school? (Y/n)'s room mate?
T- Yeah, that's me
K- What did you want to know?
T- Well (Y/n)'s been pretty sad lately, crying at night and such, do you know why that is?
K- *sigh* Its almost been four years
T- Four years since what?
K- Meet me at the park at 10am and we'll talk
T- Ok, thank you
K- No, thank you

Then she hug up. She thanked me... why? I didn't even do anything good. I jump at the sound of a key opening the front door. (Y/n) walks in and sends me a fake smile. "Hey, what did you do today?", she asks. I shrug my shoulders. "Nothing really, I was just reading", I say holding up a book I was reading while waiting for Hashirama to reply. She nods and heads to the kitchen. I walked into he kitchen also and noticed that her eyes were red and puffy again. I wanted ask but I didn't want to scare her off so I left it. All I hope is that she gets better, I can't stand to see her like this.

Next chapter straight after. Woohoo! Now you know about Kakshi's modern past and also the reason as to why Tobirama wants Konan's number. Also something I want to point out is that *SPOILERS* Tobi and Obito are going to be seperate people. Please and thank you. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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