3. Friends with her?

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Just a quick note before I start the chapter. (F/n) means fake name. Your character doesn't want to draw too much attention to herself as Tobirama's roommate. Thank ya XD

You and Tobirama were currently sitting in the living room playing Mario kart (Cause why the hell not?!). You were pretty surprised that Tobirama was quite good at it, right now you were both tied for first. You glanced at him and saw how concentrated he was. If you were going to win you were going to have to take a risk. You dropped back into fourth place, a smirk grew on his face. "I thought you were better than that", he teases. You roll your eyes and scoff. "Whatever, I'm still gonna kick your ass". As you know, when playing Mario kart the people at the very front get the worst power ups. We were on the last lap and I had gotten some red shells, I was going to win whether he liked it or not. When we were three quarters though the our last lap I decided to use them. My first shell hit the person coming in third and knocked me up one place. My second hit the next person making me second. All I have to do is hit Tobirama with this last one and I've won. I could see the finish line just up ahead. I released my last shell and watched as it got closer and closer to his car. Just as he was about to cross the finish line it hit him, in the corner of my eye I could see his look of confusion. I zoomed right past him, taking first place. I jumped up and threw my fist in the air. "Yess!". "I had that", Tobirama grumbled. I giggled and sat back on the couch.

Our game time was interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door. I turned to Tobirama and gave him a serious look. "Hey can you please call me (F/n) around others, I just don't want to draw to much attention to myself. Barely any people know my face so I'll just be another random person, kay?". He nodded and the two of us got up and walked over to the door. I opened it and saw the tall, brown haired male that was Hashirama Senju. "You must be Tora's sister", he says happily smiling. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm (F/n)". "Well it's nice to meet you (F/n), how old are you exactly?". I was confused as to why he would ask that, did I look younger than I was? Or did I look older? "I'm 16". I watched as Hashirama sent Tobirama a wink, Tobi face palmed and shook his head in disappointment. I couldn't help but giggle. "Do you guys need help bringing stuff up?", I ask. Hashirama shook his head. "Don't worry about it, I've got some people to help". Damn it. A few seconds later two raven haired boy came into view. What were their names? Izuna and ... uh. He said he had a brother... Madara? "These two are Madara and Izuna, just two of our friends. They offered to help and for some reason Izuna wanted to meet you", Hashirama chuckled. I smiled at both of them. "Hi I'm (F/n)". Madara nodded in acknowledgement and Izuna pushed past Hashirama so he was standing right in front of me. He took my hand and gently pressed his lips against the back of it. My face felt really hot. "You're lucky Tobirama, your room mate is pretty cute", he said sending me a wink. I took a step back and rubbed the back of my neck. "Thanks I guess". Madara flicked his brother's ear causing Izuna to hold it in pain. "Leave her alone, you shouldn't flirt with every girl you see, it just wrong". Izuna sent his brother a glare. "Where should we put the stuff?", Hashirama asks. "You can put it all in the living room for now, Tobirama can unpack later". They nod and follow me into the living room. "Wow look at all this stuff, its so cool!", Izuna yells. I blush a bit. "Is this all yours?", he asks, looking at all your consoles and games. "Y-yeah". He looks at the screen, seeing the game paused on me first and Tobirama second. "Did you beat him?". I nod. "Wow, you must be really good, Tobi never loses, he's a big nerd". I giggle and look over at him, his cheeks were tinted pink.

When I said I put everything personal away I forgot about something. On the wall was a long picture that had been covered with a sheet. To me it was very personal, it was one of my best drawings and I had never showed it to anyone. I usually kept it covered up, I don't know why I just did. Before I could stop him, Izuna grabbed the sheet and pulled it off revealing it.

Tobirama's POV

I watched as Izuna reached for the sheet and pulled it off. I was curious as to what was behind it too but I wouldn't make such a bold move. I watched as the white sheet fell to the ground, revealing the image. It was amazing. A hand drawing of a comic strip, something you would find in a manga. There was so much detail, it looked awesome. "Where did you get this?", Izuna asked. "I-I drew it", (Y/n) whispered. The others stood still, their eyes widened. "That is amazing, you have some real talent", Hashirama says. I looked at Madara. Even though he was being silent I could tell he was impressed. "What do you plan on doing when you finish school?", I ask. "I want to be a manga artist". I looked back at the drawing, with skill like that she could be the best manga artist. She smiled and blushed. "What school do you go to?", Izuna asks. Damn it, what will she say? If she says our school then they will look for her. "I got to Konaha girls academy". "Is it fun there?", my brother asks. She shrugs her shoulders. "Its alright I guess, just a bit too much drama".


The conversation went back and forth like so. I looked at the clock and it was 1pm and the only boxes I had up were the ones Izuna and Madara brought up. "Can we get my stuff?", I ask. Hashirama sweat dropped a bit. "Oh yeah, sorry about that Tobi, we just got a little bit distracted". I nodded and walked towards the elevator with the others. "She's pretty, don't you think?", Hashirama says, playfully nudging me. I give him an unimpressed look. "(F/n) and I are no more then room mates". "But don't you wanna be friends with her?". I froze, did I want to be friends with her? I mean she was pretty cool and wasn't like other girls. She hadn't tried to flirt with me and she and I have similar interests. Also this could be my first friend. Being popular isn't for me, I don't get to meet people properly, they just kiss the ground I walk on. I just wanted friends like any other kid and maybe she could be my first... maybe.

Here is the next chapter. I haven't planned out this story fully yet but I do have an idea of what's going to happen later on. Anyway hope that to your liking. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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