13. Call him

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I sniff and wipe away my tears. I had cried for an hour or so last night and then fell asleep doing so. Then as soon as I woke up I started crying again. I wasn't a very loud crier so I knew no one had heard me. I get out of bed and open my curtains, covering my eyes as they react to the sudden light. Once they adjust I walk over to my mirror and look at myself. My hair was messy and my eyes were red and puffy, basically I looked like shit. I looked away and lay back on my bed, taking my phone and unlocking it. I went to my contacts and looked through all the people in there. I used to be friends with almost everyone and now I have no one. But this is the way I want it to be, I want to be alone. The only people I get texts from are Tora, Tobirama and the annoying phone company. As I scroll through the names one comes up that catches my eye. Its Mr Hatake's number. I put it in my phone on the bus home but I never really thought I would go to anyone to talk. Something drew me to it, it was something he had said. Something about how he went through something similar. That's what everyone is looking for right? Someone who understands and shares their pain. I stare at the number for a few minutes before my phone screen times out and it goes black. I sigh and unlock it again, I might as well call him. I don't know if this is the way I'm supposed to be feeling but I feel empty and unimportant.

I tap the 'call' button and listen as it rings. On the third ring I heard him pick up the phone.

K- Kakashi Y- You

K- Hello?
He sounds like he just woke up. I suddenly feel like hanging up and forgetting about talking to him but I manage to press on.
Y- H-hey Mr Hatake its (Y/n)
There is a moment of silence before he speaks again
K- Just call me Kakashi out of school and what was it that you were wanting?
Y- You said that you went through something similar to me, I want to understand my feelings better. I don't know if what I'm feeling is normal or if I'm depressed... I don't know anything
K- Are you free today? I can do today
Y- Yeah I'm free today
K- Ok then, meet me at the Konaha cafe at 12pm
Y- Ok, thank you

I hang up and place my phone next to me. I let out a loud sigh and get up, heading over to my wardrobe. I collect some clothes for the day and leave my room. When I'm out of my room I find Tobirama sitting at the table eating his breakfast. "Good morning", he says. I nod at him and slip into the bathroom for a shower.

Tobirama POV

I can't help but worry for her. It's strange for me to admit something like that but I just want her to be happy. She isn't smiling anymore and I can hear her crying in her room. I know she's trying to be quiet while doing it and I wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't left my room last night. I exhale loudly and finish my breakfast. I wondered why she was so sad? Why she had no friends? Why she pushed everyone away from her? She seemed to be close with that blue haired girl, Konan I think her name is. She cried for (Y/n) that day at the mall, but what is the reason? I pull my cellphone out of my pocket and text Hashirama, I needed Konan's number.

Your POV


I hoped on the bus and watched the people who walked the streets. It was different walking around without my hood up, I felt free. I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and lent back in my seat. I looked out the window and saw the happy people converse with each other. They smile and laugh. Brothers and sisters tease each other playfully, mothers and fathers scold their children for being loud, couples hold hands, blushing. So happy, perfection, I envy them. They have everything I want. I blush at the thought of that, I don't want the last one... do I? Three years ago I wasn't really into anyone romantically, I was popular and they crawled all over me. They confessed their love, asking me to be their girlfriend. I would say no, they would get upset and leave. I hated it. I hurt people, I didn't want to hurt anyone and I hated the attention. When I had people I hated the attention but when I had no one I craved it. Now, I want nothing. I just want to be alone... but that's not as true as it used to be.

Chapter 13 is here. In the next chapter you will see what you and Kakashi talk about and also the reason why Tobirama wants to talk to Konan. I'm hungry and I want chocolate. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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