12. I miss you

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My phone goes off playing the opening to my favorite anime. I sing quietly along with it, humming the parts I don't know. When it finishes I sit up and stretch. My eyes scan the room, landing on my calendar. Friday. I sigh, feeling my vision blur. Tears threaten to fall but I won't let them, not yet. Aren't Friday's supposed to be happy? Aren't people supposed to laugh and be excited for the weekend? Well that is the case for normal people, definitely not me. I blink away my pain and push my self off of my bed. A sudden knock at my door startles me. "C-come in". I frowned internally, why did I just stutter? Tobirama pokes his head into my room. "I made breakfast if you wanna come and have some", he says politely. I nod and force a smile. "Sure, I'll be out soon". He nods and closes the door, retreating back into the kitchen. I get changed and head out, seeing the table set with two plates. "This is for me?", I ask. He nods and sits at the other one. I sit in front of the plate and stare down at the food, it looked so good. "You made this?". He nods, a faint blush on his cheeks. I begin eating, it was delicious. I wouldn't tell him that though, It'd be too embarrassing. I quickly finish and make it back to my room.


I got onto the bus and sat at the back like always. I put my headphones in and just relaxed. I was feeling fine only to have a sad song come on and ruin it. I quickly changed the song and that made me feel much better. I noticed Tobirama kept looking back at me, a concerned expression on his usually stoic face. Our eyes meet and he quickly looks away, he acted so strange and I couldn't seem to think of a possible motive for it. Perhaps he was curious? Maybe he wondered why a girl would hide her face at school? Why doesn't she have friends? Why is she always alone? The answers... They exist. Every answer exists, but these answers are hidden. You will find nothing if you look, you'll only know if you talk to the right people. And I know that those people won't talk, they care too much to talk. All of these thoughts cloud my already messed up mind. I shove them away and focus on my music, mouthing the lyrics.


Friday... nothing really to do is there. I have math again. It is really hard to escape Tobirama, he looks so concerned like a mother sending their child to school for the first time. Does he know something? If so who would tell him? I'm trying to get rid of these thoughts but they just keep coming back. It was lunch and I playing a game on my phone, bored. The bell rings and get up heading towards math. Mr Hatake smiles behind his mask at me but his smile quickly fades. "You seem different today", he says. I sigh and nod. "I'm fine, just don't worry about it". He sighs and walks over to my desk, taking a seat next to me. "I told you that I'm here, don't try and push away your feelings. No one can live happily like that". He grabs a piece of paper and writes a number on it. "If you want to talk just call me Ok, I won't take it personally if you don't but I would like to help you. I hate having to see a student go through what you have". His words seemed to hit me directly. I sat there frozen in place. I don't know what to say or do. I look up at him, moving my hood back slightly so he can see my face, our gaze meeting for the first time. "I-I'll think about it". He nods and gets up, walking back to his desk as the other students start coming in.

Tobirama's POV

I noticed (Y/n) being a lot quieter then usual. I tried to start conversations with her but she didn't really seem in the mood. She just gave short answers and didn't dare speak another word. I was worried, what is she was being bullied or something like that? She is usually really happy, why is today different? I tap her gently on the shoulder, she turns to face me. "Yeah", she says quietly. "Are you Ok? I mean you're quieter then usual, its not because of what happened yesterday is it?". She shakes her head. "Its nothing like that, I'm fine. You should stop worrying, there's no point, its a waste of time to focus your attention on me". I honestly didn't believe I was hearing this from her. She thinks she's unimportant and a waste of time. My words got caught in my throat and after a minute or so of her waiting for my reply she turns back to her work. I sigh and start doing my own work, maybe its best if I just leave her be.


We got home from school and it was still quiet. Our apartment gave off a sort of awkward aura, why is that? As soon as we got home she disappeared into her room. I wanted to leave her alone but I hated seeing her so broken. I walked up to her bedroom door and took a deep breath before knocking. I hear her call out so I open the door. She was laying on her bed drawing, adding to her journal. "Hey", I say casually. "Hi", she replies, not bothering to look up. "I was wondering if you wanted to play videogames or something", I say, letting my eyes drift to the floor. When I look back up I see her looking directly at me. She gives me a small smile and a nod and stands up. "Ok sure".


We finished up at around 12:30am, she said she was getting tired. I let her go and we went our seperate ways, her to her bedroom and me to mine. I lay back on my bed but felt it difficult to sleep. I decided to go and get a drink of water, hoping that would help me sleep. But I was surprised with what I heard when I left my room. It was crying, someone was crying. I walked around until I located it. It was coming from (y/n)'s room. Through the sobs I could make out several words. "I'm s-s-sorry, i-its m-my fault. I m-miss you". My fist clenches, why didn't I know? There was so much happening to her and I was oblivious to it all. I wanted to know, I wanted to help. But if I ask I might break her, hurt her more then she already is. I sigh and walk back to my room. In the end why do I even care? I never care, so why her? Why now? Why?

Not very eventful but tomorrow you will be doing something. I hadn't put it in my plan but I think it will add nicely to the story. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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