4. Movie marathon

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Hashirama, Madara and Izuna had brought up all the boxes and left after that. I offered to help Tobirama unpack but he said it was Ok. Personally I didn't want to do it but I was just trying to be nice. I didn't want to have an awkward relationship with him. That's something I definitely didn't want. I took this time to look for a job. I went on my computer and went on a website for people looking for jobs in Konaha. There were a few possibilities for me. A supermarket, a cafe and a library. I decided to put my name forward for the cafe job, out of the three that was the one I preferred. I emailed them my CV and then lay down on my bed. I was quite tired so I decided to rest my eyes, little did I know that I was falling asleep.

Suddenly my phone went off. I search blindly for it, using my hands to feel around. Finally I found and picked it up, putting it on speaker.

(T- Tora Y- You)

Y- Hello?
T- You sound tired, are you alright?
Y- I'm fine I just had a nap
T- Ok well how's the roommate?
Y- He's fine, he's unpacking right now
T- Are you helping him?
Y- No
T- Why not?
Y- I offered but he said he could do it
T- Well at least you're being friendly
Y-Hey! I'm always friendly
T- Whatever, now have you looked for a job yet?
Y- Yeah I applied for one about 20 minutes ago
T- Where's that?
Y- A cafe in town
T- Well if I come back to town I'll visit you at work
Y- Pfft whatever now anything else you wanna talk about?
T- You should be happy you're talking to me
Y- I am, can't you hear me jumping for joy?
T- Ugh why do you have to be so sarcastic
Y- Aw come on, you know I'm kidding
T- Haha I do, now I gotta go and remember that now you have a room mate, no making pancakes in your underwear
Y- What?! I do not do that!
T- Yes you do, every Sunday when you think I'm not awake you make pancakes in your underwear
Y- You better hang up before I beat you up
T- Like you can beat me up
Y- I can and I will
T- Well see ya buddy
Y- Yes bye

I hung up and rested my head in my pillow. I didn't know why I was so tired. I went to bed earlier then usual and woke up early too. Maybe that was it, I hate early mornings. I rolled over and pulled my blankets up to my chin. I might as well get a few extra hours of sleep before I begin my movie marathon.

Tobirama POV

I had done some packing and went to the kitchen to get a drink. On my way back to my room I could hear (Y/n) talking to someone. "Pfft whatever, now anything else you wanna talk about?", (Y/n) asks. "You should be happy you're talking to me", said a male voice. It must be her brother.  "I am, can't you hear me jumping for joy?". I internally smirked, love me some sarcasm. "Ugh why do you have to be so sarcastic", her brother scoffed. Some times I wish my brother was like that, but mine was either overly happy or really depressed. "Aw come on, you know I'm kidding". "Haha I do, now I gotta go and remember that now you have a room mate, no making pancakes in your underwear". I smiled, she was a really weird girl. "What?! I do not do that!". "Yes you do, every Sunday when you think I'm not awake you make pancakes in your underwear". I quietly chuckled, their conversation was so amusing. "You better hang up before I beat you up". They were about to hang up so there was nothing else to listen to. I went back into my room and began unpacking more stuff. I had done barely any, maybe I should've asked for her help but then I also don't want to bother her. I sigh and push onward, If I don't do it now I'm gonna have to live in my mountain of boxes.


I had done about half of my room and was exhausted. I heard the Tv turn on and I was curious as to what (Y/n) was doing. I walked into the living room and saw (Y/n) sitting on the couch , wrapped in blankets with a bowl of popcorn on her lap. She smiled at me and then turned her attention back to the Tv. She was looking through netflix. "Whatcha doing?", I ask. "Well on Saturday nights I usually have a movie marathon so I'll be up till like 3am, you can come join if you want". I nod and sit next to her, she moves the bowl of popcorn off her lap and onto the space between us. "What kind of movies do you like?", she asks. "Uh I dunno, scifi?". "Cool, have you seen Alien?". I shake my head. "Ok, lets watch that". I nod and lean back on the couch and begin watching the movie. Every now and then I would steal glances at her, I hoped that we could actually be friends.

Here is the next chapter. I have been updating heaps today, mainly because I have no school today and I'm bored. Are you enjoying this story so far? Please let me know. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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