Chapter 1

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As promised, here is my new Carvie story. One thing I can promise you, besides Carvie cuteness, is that this won't be a short story. I don't know how long this is gonna be, but I'm gonna try, emphasis on "try," to make sure every chapter is worth reading. Enjoy.

Mal's POV

The singing and dancing continued as me and Ben watched our friends and classmates continue to enjoy the Cotillion. I wrapped my arm around Ben's and rested my head on his shoulder as the song "You and Me" continued to play.

I cannot be any more happier than I already am right now. I look at the signet ring around my finger. It constantly reminds me of the bright future coming for me and Ben. No matter how nervous I was for the road ahead, I always remember one thing. I love him, and he loves me. That's all that matters.

"You look happy," Ben said, smiling at me.

"Well, there's no reason for me to not be," I said. "Other than the fact that Uma is out there and probably seeking revenge."

"Don't worry. If she ever tries to harm us, we'll be ready," he said. "Just warn us next time you're gonna turn into a dragon."

"Afraid I'll burn the kingdom to the ground?" I joked.

"Maybe," Ben said nervously.

I giggled and gently smacked him on the cheek. He looked so cute when he was nervous. I continued to lean on him as I watched everyone dance. Two particular people caught my attention. They were two of my best friends. Evie and Carlos.

They were dancing together. They twirled each other. They kicked water at each other. They smiled at each other. I cannot tell how close those two are. If you ask me, all I can say is, I have never seen a bond between villain kid and villain kid stronger than what Evie and Carlos share.

Carlos' POV

I would never say this to Jane, but I enjoyed dancing with Evie more. She and I just seem to bounce well off each other. I can remember earlier tonight when she held out her hand towards me. I felt drawn to her. I held her hand and I felt something inside me spark.

When we held on to each other and sang together as we stared at the Isle, I felt the spark again only stronger. It must be the connection we share. Evie was the first real friend I've ever had and this strange but beautiful feeling I have every time I'm with her only gets stronger as our friendship grows stronger.

She kicked some water at my face, so I returned the favor. She looked so beautiful with her wet blue hair and midnight blue dress... wait... did I just call her beautiful? Well, there's nothing wrong with calling a friend beautiful, right?

"Carlos," she called my name, snapping me out of my daze. "Are you okay?"

C'mon, Carlos. Don't say anything stupid. Pull yourself together.

"Sorry, I'm just... you look wonderful," I said, trying not to sound like a fool.

"Aww, thank you." She sounded flattered.

Evie twirls to show off her dress. I couldn't help but stare. Why am I staring?

"You don't look too bad yourself," she said to me.

"You made me this jacket," I reminded her.

"Yeah, and you look handsome in it," she said.

My cheeks started heating up for some reason. Did she just call me handsome? I guess there's nothing wrong with that. I did think of her as beautiful, after all.

Evie's POV

Carlos looked like he was turning red. Was it because I called him handsome? Well, I was only telling him the truth. Seeing him blush was making me smile. Why is he so cute?

"Jane's a lucky girl," I told him.

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"She snagged the cutest, smartest, most awesome guy in the world," I said, pinching his cheek.

"You jealous?" Carlos teased me.

"Maybe," I joked. "Only because you're one of a kind."

"I could say the same about you," he said. "You're the kindest, brightest, most beautiful girl I know, and Doug is the luckiest guy in the world to have you in his life."

I don't know why but I feel like I'm blushing now. I couldn't stop smiling as I tried to hide my face with my hair. Did he really just call me beautiful? Well, I can't blame him for saying that. I truly am.

He holds out his hand and I couldn't refuse to grab hold. We kept on dancing and splashing. I was really having the time of my life, and I can tell he feels the same way. I twirl myself closer to him and he dips me. I can feel my blue hair touch the water as I stared into his chocolate brown eyes.

"You're an amazing dancer," I said to him.

"You too," he said to me.

We kept on dancing and I couldn't help but notice how well we bounce off each other. I always felt that we were very connected. Carlos was the first friend I ever made and no matter how much things have changed, what he and I have hasn't changed one bit. He's still my best-est friend.

Mal's POV

I was still watching Evie and Carlos dance together. Ugh! The way those two stare at each other, they're just thirsty for each other. It's nauseating. How come no one else can see the truth but me?

"Okay, now you don't look happy." I almost forgot that Bennyboo was standing next to me.

"I was just thinking," I said.

"About?" He asked.

"Something bad," I said casually.

I can see that nervous look on his face again, which made me smirk. I kiss him on the cheek to calm him down. He still looked nervous and the smile on his face was so fake.

"Should I be worried?" He asked.

"There's a difference between bad and evil, so no," I said.

King Obviously Cute was still nervous, but I decided to let him stay nervous. Besides him looking cute, I didn't want to spill more of what I'm planning to do.

I didn't lie. I am planning on doing something bad. Ooh, the evil in me is just tingling just thinking about this. I know I shouldn't mess with Evie and Carlos' love life, but I just can't stand seeing those two so happily unaware of what they truly feel for each other?

Look out, you two. The Mal you knew from the Isle is coming for you.

A/N: This will be the only chapter in the story told from first person POVs. The rest of the story will be told in third person POVs. I prefer it that way.

So, what do you think? Leave a comment and let me know what you think. Feedback is always appreciated (Just please don't say update please because that does NOT, I repeat, NOT motivate me to update).

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