Chapter 9

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Mal was planning to do something mischievous today, which involved a can of spray paint and a water balloon. On her way to where she wants to be, she finds Carlos and Jane, sitting on the grass, texting each other in spite of the fact that they were only sitting in front of each other.

Carlos: Nice bow. Really brings out your eyes

Jane's bow was three different kinds of blue.

Jane: Thx 😊 I love your jacket

Carlos' jacket matched Jane's colors of periwinkle and white, while keeping the crossbones logo on the back.

Carlos: ☠

Jane: 😖

Carlos: Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you

Jane: JK 😂

The two started giggling at each other. Mal admits that they were both kinda cute together, but no matter how cute Evie and Carlos were with their respective lovers, she's gonna keep trying to help them see the truth.

When Mal saw Evie and Doug not too far from where she's standing, she looks back at the water balloon in her hand as an idea pops in her head.

Mal hides behind a tree as she holds on to the water balloon tighter. She winds up her hand and throws it. The water balloon hits Carlos, splashing water all over his hair and Jane. Mal silently laughs as she hid behind the tree, trying to make sure she was hidden.

"Okay, who threw that?" Carlos demanded for an answer.

Seeing Evie in the distance, giggling, Carlos began to suspect her. Considering there was no one else in the vicinity, he made the conclusion.

"Hey!" Carlos shouted.

"Uh, hey..." Evie stopped when she noticed how wet Carlos was. She started laughing.

Doug can barely resist laughing as well.

"Of course you'd find this funny, considering you threw that water balloon at me," accused Carlos, holding up a piece of the balloon.

"Hey, I did not throw that," said Evie.

"Uh, I don't see anyone else around here but the four of us," said Carlos. "And since Jane and I were just minding our business..."

"Okay, Mr. De Vil, you do not get to talk to me like that and accuse me of such mischief," said Evie.

"I thought mischief was in your blood," replied Carlos.

"Aren't you the callous low-life hood," retorted Evie.

Mal continued to laugh from behind the tree. While she didn't like to seem them fight, she enjoyed watching them fight. It wasn't what she expected, but it was still fun to watch.

"Whoa, guys," said Doug, trying to stop the fight. "You guys are friends. You shouldn't fight."

"Tell that to my new jacket," said Carlos, gesturing to his soaked jacket. "Which she made for me, may I add."

"Hey, I love that jacket," said Evie. "I wouldn't throw a grain of dirt at it if I wanted to."

"Okay, let's just take a deep breath, shall we?" suggested Jane. "You two are friends, well, better than friends. You're like family. You shouldn't fight over spilled water on a stupid jacket..."

"Excuse me?" Evie and Carlos asked simultaneously, offended.

"Uh, forget I just said stupid," said Jane. "Now, as I was saying, you two are family. Considering where you came from, fighting seems inevitable..."

"Thanks, Jane. That so doesn't sound offensive," said Evie sarcastically.

"But at the end of the day, you're both still family," said Jane. "Now, I don't know why Evie would throw a water balloon at you, sweetheart, but at the end of the day, you're both still family. So, hug it out."

Evie and Carlos look at each other for a considerably long time. Jane and Doug exchange nervous looks, bracing themselves in case another fight breaks out. Fortunately, Carlos darts forward and pulls Evie in a hug. The blue-haired narcissist hugged him back.

"I didn't do it, but I'm sorry," said Evie.

"Good thing this jacket isn't dry clean only," said Carlos. "I'm sorry I yelled at you."

"Apology accepted," said Evie. "Just one more thing."

After the hug, Carlos started shaking his head, trying to get the water out of his hair. Evie and Doug both got wet. Jane got wetter. Evie started chasing Carlos around the field, while Jane and Doug watched.

From behind the tree, Mal continued to chuckle as she watched the chase. Evie tackles Carlos to the ground and holds him down. The two can only laugh as Evie laid her had on his chest.

"This just keeps getting better and better," said Mal.

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