Chapter 2

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After the Cotillion, the four VKs ran back to Jay and Carlos' dorm together, still drenched and feeling the rush from the celebration.

"I feel so wet," said Jay.

"That's a feeling of change," said Evie.

"Same thought," said Carlos. "Who would've thought that four villain kids would become heroes and live a wonderful life here in Auradon?"

"Everything has changed," said Mal.

"Yeah," said Evie, Jay, and Carlos simultaneously.

"So, Jay, you never told us. You and Lonnie," said Evie.

"It was just one dance," said Jay.

Mal playfully smacks Jay behind the head.

"Doesn't look like it's just one dance to me," said Mal.

"You said you were gonna dance with all the girls," reminded Carlos. "Yet, you danced with Lonnie and only Lonnie."

"So, what if there is something?" asked Jay.

"If there is, go for it," said Evie. "The three of us have each found someone special. It's high time you find someone, too. Lonnie, well, seems like the perfect girl for you."

"You think so?" asked Jay.

"Definitely," said Evie. "She's sweet. She's loyal. She's good with a sword. I do believe she's the one for you."

"In that case, I'm gonna go see her right now," said Jay.

Jay leaves the dorm to look for Lonnie. His friends can guess that he was gonna ask her out on a date.

"Everything sure has changed," said Evie, smiling at the though of Jay and Lonnie.

"For better or for worse," added Carlos.

"Mostly for the better," said Evie, putting a hand on Carlos' shoulder and smiling at him.

Mal watches the two smile at each other, causing a smirk to creep on her face. Time to make my move, she thought.

"Hey, guys. I was wondering," she said. "What do you say to a nice family picnic, just the four of us?"

"What's the occasion?" asked Carlos.

"No occasion," said Mal. "I just thought that now we've accepted each other as family, we might as well spend quality family time together."

"I think that sounds nice," said Evie. "When?"

"How's tomorrow sound?" asked Mal.

"We'll be there," Evie and Carlos said simultaneously.

The two looked at each other, shocked that they said something in unison.


"Are you reading my mind?"

"Stop doing that."

Evie and Carlos laughed while Mal giggled silently. They're so meant for each other, she thought.

"I'll tell Jay," said Carlos.

"No need," said Mal with a panicking tone. After pulling herself together, she calmly says, "I already told him earlier. He'll come."

"Good," said Evie. "I'll bring the apples."

"I'll bring the chocolate," said Carlos.

The two gasped at the same time as an idea popped in both their minds.

"Chocolate-coated apples!" They exclaimed together.

Evie and Carlos laughed again. Mal gagged, disgusted at the two of them for not noticing the oh-so obvious tension between them.

"And I'll bring a barf bag," she muttered.

"What was that?" asked Evie as she didn't hear Mal.

"Strawberries," lied Mal. "I'll bring the strawberries."

"What do you think Jay's gonna bring?" asked Evie.

"It's either candy or pancakes," said Carlos.

"If he can make them," joked Evie.

The three friends laughed. They remembered the one time they dared Jay to make pancakes. The kitchen became a mess and they were all ordered to clean it up.

"Well, see you tomorrow, Carlos," said Mal.

"Goodnight," said Evie.

"Goodnight," said Carlos.

"What, no goodnight kiss, you two?" teased Mal.

"W-Wh-Why would she d-do that?" stuttered Carlos.

Evie giggled before giving Carlos a quick kiss on the cheek. Carlos reacted with a frozen, shocked expression that amused the girls. They exited the dorm, leaving the stunned boy with his dog.

"Something smells fishy here," said Dude. "And I don't just mean the water all over you."

Dude's right, you know. Something fishy is going on here, and only the daughter of Maleficent knows what it is. Stay tuned for the next chapter to find out how the picnic goes.

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