Chapter 11

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This chapter will be mostly Bal. Like I said before, it's more than just a Carvie story.

After school, Mal and Ben ride on their scooters towards Beast Castle.

"Excited, aren't you?" Ben asked Mal. "A VK-themed party dedicated to you and your friends."

"Definitely," said Mal. "At least I can have some more fun."

"You mean the mischievous kind of fun?" guessed Ben.

"You got a problem with that?" asked Mal.

"Not at all," said Ben. "I was planning on having some fun myself."

"Paint a graffiti on the castle walls and I'll believe you," said Mal.

The two made it to the castle. Mal hides a spray paint bottle in her jacket as she walks into the castle with Ben. On their way to the library, where Belle is, they talk about the End-of-the-Year school party.

"You have any plans on the games?" asked Ben.

"Well, I was thinking of one in particular," said Mal. "Spin the bottle. Isn't that, like, a thing here in Auadon?"

"You don't have that game on the Isle?" asked Ben.

"We weren't big on parties, but when we do have one, no, we didn't have Spin-the-Bottle," said Mal.

"Why so eager?" asked Ben.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," said Mal, smirking.

Mal and Ben arrive at the library, where Belle, as expected, was reading a book.

"Oh, there you are," said Belle excitedly.

"So, what important duty does the Lady of the Court have to attend to?" asked Mal.

"Actually, about that, I lied," said Belle.

"You lied?" asked Mal, both miffed and amazed.

"I figured you wouldn't come if you I told what I wanted to talk to you about," said Belle. "Please, sit."

Mal sits down next to Belle, and Ben sat next to her. Mal was feeling less nervous with Ben holding her hand and smiling at her.

"So, what's so special that you had to lie to me to get me to come here?" asked Mal.

"Well, summer's around the corner, which means you have more room for your royal duties," said Belle.

"Don't remind me," interrupted Mal, not looking forward to a summer full of meetings and signing large stacks of papers.

"Let me finish," said Belle. "I called all the kingdoms yesterday and they all have agreed."

"Agreed to what?" asked Ben.

"Mal, you get to host the Annual Auradon Summer Blowout," said Belle, excitedly.

"Uh..." Mal was confused.

"Every summer, all the kingdoms gather for one special party to celebrate the creation of Auradon," explained Ben. "My father hosted the party for the first nineteen years. He picked me to host last summer's party in preparation to be king."

"And now, it's your turn, Mal," said Belle.

"And this is big, why?" asked Mal.

"Because the host gets to be the one to wield the Sword of Heroism," said Belle. "At the end of the party, the host will use the sword to grant one wish to someone of his or her choice."

"I assume there's a catch," said Mal.

"The sword will only grant a selfless wish," said Ben. "Me and my father have chosen not to use the sword, because everyone in Auradon is already happy. However, we have no right to tell you not to use it."

"I thought magic was frowned upon here in Auradon," said Mal.

"True, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, Mal," said Belle. "You will make the choice and you will grant the wish, should you choose to use the sword."

"I'll think about it," said Mal.

"There's plenty of time for that," said Belle.

"Wait, since I'm the host, does that mean I have to do all the planning and stuff?" asked Mal.

"Ben can assist you if you're not up for planning it alone," said Belle.

In the blink of an eye, Mal makes a run for it. She shuts the library door behind her as she takes several deep breaths. She heard someone knock from the inside. Reluctantly, she opens the door. It was Ben.

"Hey, relax," said Ben.

"Easy for you to say," said Mal. "This is my first summer blowout and I have just been tasked with granting a wish to one person who might make a huge difference."

"A huge, good difference," said Ben. "Mal, you don't have to use the sword if you don't want to, but mom is giving you this choice because you don't have to be tied to our no-magic rule if it means making a good change."

"I feel like I'm carrying everything on shoulders," said Mal. "I knew being the royal girlfriend and Lady of the Court would be a huge responsibility, but..."

Ben lifts Mal's face with his finger so she can look at him smiling at her.

"Mal, I'm right here by your side no matter what," said Ben. "Whatever you choose to do once the time comes, I'll be right beside you, literally."

Mal begins to smile. "I can always count on you, can I?"

"Always," said Ben.

"I love you," said Mal.

"I love you, too," said Ben.

The two share a kiss, while Belle peeks through the half-open door.

Who will Mal choose to use the Sword of Heroism on? If she does use it, what wish will the person she chooses make?

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