Chapter 1- A whole new world

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I yawned as I took in the familiar sound of my blaring alarm clock, "nope 6:02" just 3 more minutes

I had this morning attitude of waking up in "5 ives", its either 6:05 or lets just wait till 6:10 which would eventually lead to 6:15, well I unapologetically hate mornings and today wasn't an exception , so I readjusted my blankets and hugged my pillows tighter as I drifted to another phase of daylight slumber.
Next I was awoken by the sound of my ring tone, stretching and blinking trying to recall what part of the universe i'm in but the yellowish-orange sun rays trickling in from my curtain sides reminded me that I was still on earth and I would leave it pretty soon if I don't hurry up and get the day started.

I sprang up from my bed, picked up my ringing phone while staggering to the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush I looked down on the screen and realized it was Cleo calling for the sixth time, I knew I was in for it...

Na-o-mi Pa-to-ti

Hey Cleo(I muffled though tooth paste foams in my mouth)

O my freaking G! pls don't tell me you're just getting out of bed

okay, won't tell ya

What in the hell Naomi Kate Douglas, did you die over night or something? you've been asleep since like 8pm yesterday, its past 7am and you're not yet ready , its mooondayy you know, and you're gonna be human barbecue if we don't get a front row sit in Mr Richards class
(changing her tone to creepy-low and excited)
I checked him on FB Nami, he's single as in ready-to-mingle-single! and he's favourite colour is red, (chattering excitedly)we have so much in common!!

(chipping in abruptly) yeah yeah and he breaths in oxygen too

exactly Nami! (realizing my sarcasm) HA-HA-HA so funny

(I can imagine her fake laughing in mockery, I chuckle silently at that) .

Just hang up already, see you in 30 min, your time starts now 59..58...57..56...

I could still hear her countdown fade away slowly as I lowered the phone and ended the call before she thinks of anything more to say, that's if she ever thinks before she lets a million words roll effortlessly out of her.

I swear that girl wouldn't shut up to save her life.

It sounds about right though,  Cleo hasn't stopped talking about our English 101 lecturer since our first class with him last week Monday. I knew for someone like Cleo a whole week was damn too long to go through an obsessive/ crushic torture, but whining this early about some boring monday lecture was a whole new level of "cleo-ism."

I understand how she feels though, since we were both full time members in the business of crazy loving, but while mine has always been for one man, Cleo's changes like her panties.


I was out of the bathroom in the next 10 min, I thought I should get used to this by now but opening my wardrobe each morning still reminds me of how badly my life lacked basic fun, today is Monday and students supposedly look fresh and colourful from the weekend but here I was deciding which shade of grey or black wouldn't seem too depressing for a new week.

I finally settled for a cloudy-greyish top that read boldly in black prints "NOT TODAY" and a pair of chinos jean trousers.

My make up kit could be summed up to a Johnson-Johnson white powder and a wet lip gloss, there were eye pencils, stuffs and other stuffs Cleo threw in there out of shear frustration for me, most of which I couldn't identify cos I never use them anyways.

I packed my braids in a neat bun upwards, applied powder and lip gloss and I was good to go, my eyebrows were thick and arranged, i just had to use a small brush to align them properly which i did.

The idea of shaving my eyebrows made me cringe plus I couldn't stand the way some girls looked extra serious all day with their drawn-on perfect eyebrows, I could add that to my endless list of things i plan agitate against in future, but now I had to get to Cleo before she explodes.


Bradson's' university has always been a sight to behold, from the school's entrance and security check points there was a long walk way stretching out by the sides to form other chains of walkways, all lined by neatly trimmed Ashoka flowers.

The departmental buildings stood tall into the sky and were all painted with yellow and a touch of dark green, there was a huge event center at the far east stretch of the compound, different student lounge areas and canteens were located in various sections of the campus, there was a football pitch, a basket ball and tennis court and an Olympic sized swimming pool in the sports arena and in the middle of the compound stood a magnificent bronze statue of an old man holding a touch light in one hand and an open book in another.

The private university was founded in 1951 by an American missionary and since then it has maintained its position as the best and most expensive private university in the country, all students both foreign and local came from the cream de la cream of the society and being a daughter of a senator, I was fortunate to be here but somehow I still felt out of place, well as usual

Its been 1 week since the start of a new school year but the school campus still looked rowdy and unsettled for learning.

lecturers moved about with piles of books and handouts, students were scattered here and there and more were queued up in front of one office or the other. New students like me could easily be spotted rushing excitedly to class,  dressed in flashy and expensive clothing's, some were asking for directions to different lecture halls, while the older students seemed more relaxed, chilling and gisting in groups under different Hawaiian elf umbrella trees.

I've always been bad with directions and i wasn't surprised when I realised I had missed the path I and Cleo took last week to hall 201, biting my lower lip in frustration i reached for my phone and  tried calling Cleo but connections at this part of the campus was so bad.

I wasn't a big fan of human-human interactions so I haven't made a single extra friend since I and Cleo got admitted here, I look around but the old students nearby seemed too busy for questions.

It was few min to my lecture time and I was lost in the enormous BU campus on a God forsaken Monday, what a great week start!

Biting the tip of my index finger thinking earnestly of what to do, I didn't want to look like a newbie/fresher/ Jambite as new students were popularly called, its still too early to be pitted or looked down on, not again in the university, high school is over I'm supposed to be a big girl now right, right?

With that false self acclaimed confidence I headed towards the eastern wing of the school and after about 5 min of clueless movements, corners and turns I found myself at the back of a bungalow-like building,

surprisingly this place was oddly quite and I wandered why the beehive of students pestering here and there around the campus didn't stretch to this part.

cool though

I like my space,

well not until I saw a sign post that read CADAVER UNIT, ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY boldly, goosebumps washed over me that instance and my feet began trembling...shit, shit, shit.., I looked around nervously still contemplating on my next destination from here when I heard foot steps being me.....

....well that escalated quickly, don't you think? will Naomi ever make it for her lecture talk more of the front row sit? Cleo would sure be pissed as hell by now.

Uhmm in case you're wondering this is not a horror/zombie romance thingy or is it?
(Evil laugh).....thanks for reading loves, see you in the next chapter, I'll try to update and upload as frequently as I can
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IG@ preciousogar.o

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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