Chapter 30

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Mr. Schue's POV:

"Hi Emma, I just got accepted to be on Broadway. Kinda. So let's go move to Broadway."

I shake my head. Too straight forward.

"So Em, I was thinkin bout movin to the city. What do ya think?"

Nah, too gangster.

I am currently standing in front of a mirror, practicing how I am going to tell Emma about what happened.

I hear a door close, and I can here Emma walking towards the bedroom.

This is it.

She opens the door, and I decide to get straight to the point.

"Something happened." I blurt out, and she freezes.

"Will, please be honest with me. Who is she?" She looks as if she's about to cry, and only then do I realize what it sounded like.

"No! I didn't cheat. Um, so you know how I went to New York last minute?" I ask, and she nods cautiously.

"Well, they had this thing on Broadway, and before it started, I kinda got up onto the stage and sang. Let me just say, it felt amazing. Well, while I was singing, there was a guy who I guess was listening. Well it turns out that guy works for Funny Girl!" I have a huge smile on my face, and she looks at me confused.

"Oh right, he asked me to be on Broadway. It's in one year." I say in one breath.

She stares at me with her mouth wide open. She drops her bags on the ground, and runs over to me.

"You're gonna be on Broadway!" She says, as she wraps her legs around my waist, and I pick her up.

"So you would be okay if we moved to New York? I mean, I could always figure something else out, but I was kinda hoping you would live in New York with me." I say quietly, and she nods.

"Yes, I'll move to New York with you!" She squeals, causing me to laugh.

"Well then it's settled! We're moving to New York!" I say, looking directly into her eyes.

Her eyes flutter closed as we both lean in. Our lips touch, and move in sync. Even though I'm 37, I feel like a kid again whenever I kiss Emma.

Our kiss starts to get heated, and Emma pulls away, leaning her forehead against mine.

"Do you have protection?" She whispers, and I nod.

I kiss her, and lie her on the bed.

The rest was just magic. Don't worry though. We used protection.


I wake up the next morning, and open my eyes. I look next to me, and I'm disappointed to find that Emma is not there.

I smell something burning, and am instantly scared.

I get up quickly and slide on my boxers.

I run out of the room, into the kitchen, where the smell is coming from.

Emma is standing at the stove, with burnt eggs. I laugh, and shake jumps.

"Will! You scared me!" Her eyes wander over my body, and I see a blush on her face.

"I, uh, ma-ade eggs." She stutters, and hands me the plate.

I thank her, and take a bite. The eggs are clearly over done and way too burnt, but I just nod in approval.

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