Chapter 13 : Jack is Back

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We pulled up infront of a warmly glowing restaurant, the noise coming from it was that of music and merry voices. The night fell descreetly around it but not fully, almost as if it was caressing the homeliness that this place created.

Me and Mark walked up to the door, my heart pounding I opened the door and walked in. The smell of food flowed through the air as I took in the sight before us. We were very quickly called over to one of the many large tables dotted around the place. Bob, Wade and Felix were seated along one wall with a warmly smiling woman who I assumed were their respectable partners next to each.

"Mark ! ______ ! Finally we were worried you wouldn't make it." Bobs called out his voice cheery. "How are you feeling _____ ?" He continued brows furrowed in my direction as we sat down on the opposing sofa style seating.

"Better, way better thank you. Just ravenous." I grinned grabbing the menu and skim reading it before Mark whispered to me.

"I ordered our food already, this place is said to have the best bacon burger in the world and cheesy fries. I'm hoping they are still your favorite foods." He pointed towards a waiter walking towards our table with two huge plates.

The smell and sight was mouth watering, and as soon as it reached the table I dug in not even hesitating. The table erupted into a small burst of laughter as I ravaged the burger stopping only to grin at everyone with a greasy chin. 

"If I didn't know any better I would think you hadn't eaten for days." Wade smiled hand in me a napkin which I readily accepted and mopped up my face glancing at the few crumbs I had left. Before starting to nibble on the fries. The guys had sparked up a conversation about how their day had been and what funny moments would be the highlight of this trip.

"It was so cute when that little boy stepped onto the stage all dressed up as worfstache and started interrogating us before running away his arms swinging." Bob laughed imitating the run.

"Oh and when a fan came and brought you a teddy bear because she didn't want you to feel lonely." Mark grinned pointing at the teddy that was sitting in Felixs girlfriends lap.

"Ohhhhh and it was rather funny when that blue haired girl tried to propose to you. That was after she introduced herself and stumbled so hard over her words she ended up calling herself Wade."  Felix smirked nodding at Mark.

"Well I hope you told her you were already taken." I winked nudging Mark in the ribs from which I got a slightly satisfying grunt and then a bear hug.

"Of course I did you silly, plus she was the girl who attacked me later on so I'm slightly glad I didn't accept." He smiled nervously remembering the incident in question. "Do you want more food ? You seemed to have polished it all off rather quickly." 

"Hmmm no thanks in fact I feel kind of queasy so I think I'm just going to go o for a breath of fresh air if you don't mind ?" I smiled but my stomach was twisting around. I must have eaten way to fast.

"I'll come with you." Mark said letting me past and going to get up and follow me.

"Oh no don't worry you can see me through the window, there are so many people around I'll be safe and I don't want you to leave your food to go cold." I said walking toward the exit.

"Okay but if you need me call my name !" He shouted over from the table.

I finally walked out of the door stumbling slightly over the step at the exit I walked over to a bench just by the side of the door. Glancing in the window to check that I was still visible Mark gave me a reassuring wave before turning back to the conversation.

Breathing in the fresh air seemed to calm my stomach, I leaned forward resting my head on my hands and inhaling as much of it as possible. A warm crunching sound of feet on gravel came from the general direction of the door and sounded like it was aproaching.

"Mark I told up you I was fine." I smiled slightly looking up to stare into the face of someone I knew all too well.

"______ ! Why are you here ? I haven't seen you in weeks." Jack smiled sitting down next to me.

"You saw me yesterday." I responded nervously glancing up at the window but Mark seemed far too focused on the conversation to even notice what was going on.

"No I didn't." Jack laughed "I was at the convention all day I haven't seen you since you disappeared that night we went out partying. I thought you had been taken until I saw pictures of you on Mark's social media." His voice held a hint of sadness to it as he looked up at the stars. After a few seconds of silence I saw a tear drop from his eye and fall slowly off his cheek.

"What about anti ?" I frowned "You cheated on me that night anyways so I don't know why you're acting upset." The memory itself burnt hard into my mind.

"I don't remember any of that..." Jack whispered "How do you know about Anti ? I never talked about YouTube with you." 

"We met.." The wind brushed around us picking up as though it was following an imaginary orchestra. 

"Oh.. I... I'm so sorry... I should have told you before, I'm bipolar. Or at least that's what people have been telling me reacently. I've been blacking out and waking up weeks in advance. Like yesterday.. I..." Jack turned to me tears now streaming down his face "I'm sorry I should have warned you I just didn't want to scare you away, I love you." 

"Get the hell away from her !" Mark's booming voice called out before ripping me up off the bench and placing himself between me and Jack.

"Mark, I can explain. You should know more than anyone. Why didn't you tell her about the real story of Anti she must have told you about me !" Jack was shouting now, his voice strained by the silent sobs that had taken it over before.

"It doesn't matter what I've told her, you have hurt her enough I swore to her I would protect her the night you left her for someone else." Mark glared at him tensing his muscles to look bigger as a small crowd of people gathered outside the restaurant.

".....I...can't...breath.." I got out and the next thing I remember was running as fast as I could to a nearby taxi before sobbing the hotel name and getting as far away from both of them as I could. Trying to understand exactly what had just happened. 

Teenage dream   ~ MarkiplierXReader ~Where stories live. Discover now